nanoparticles magnetic iron are less than 200 nanometres can be found in your brain, how come ?. According to Barbara Maher study Tiny metal could be transformed to you brain through the nose and it might lead Alzeimer's disease. base on the research, 37 people who had lived either in UK or Maxico city was examined and all of their brains are containing magnetic particle per gram tissue of brain. the particles have introductory been recognized as natural iron as part of body molecules. The so-called harmless iron was observed in Electron Microscopy and stating that it is iron dioxide with round particles normally come from melting iron at high temperatures, which happens when fuel is burned. highly reactive Iron dioxide has been implicated in Alzeimer's disease. Furthermore, he explain that the magnetic iron compelling evidence that they come from pollution. As reverse Jo Anne Shatkin,US environmental health firm Vireo Advisors, stated that it is predictable due to she and her team had preliminary analyzed. Her experiment has equivalently confirmed that "iron oxide is present in the protein plaques can kill nerve cells which is lead to Alzeimer's disease".
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