Seagrass swirling around the current and flow can be a ride for tiny species on the sea, provide food and habitat for microscopic species such as crustaceans to manatees, and contribute in stabilising the coast through it roots. According to scientist from National Autonomous University of Mexico, Brigitta van Tussenbroek, she and her colleagues were surprised when they found hundreds of invertebrates, chiefly small crustaceans, act like pollinators visiting flowers of a turtle-grass bed and carrying pollen. To explore this further, the researchers create an aquarium including crustacean, male and female turtle-grass flowers, and seawater. After several minutes, they found that extra grains appeared on female blooms on aquarium with invertebrates. This pollinators has a gooey and tasty body, and scientist believed that some pollen sticks to their bodies while they eat. So far, the discovery of sea bees which have only been seen visiting turtle grass can describe interesting plant-animal interaction that has not completely described, said researcher from Louisiana, Kelly Darnell.
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15580 Nda, your topic sentence at the start of the summary should have immediately indicated that the tiny crustaceans help in pollinating the sea plans. That is the entire focus of the essay and that was the essence of the message delivered by the speaker at the very start. The rest of your explanation in relation to this topic is acceptable.
A word of advice though, when there is a secondary speaker in the article or video, make sure that you mention the name of the speaker somewhere before you mention her contribution to the article. You will need to write an introductory sentence for the speaker prior to the quotation you will be presenting. The way that you presented the second phase of information from the second speaker is not proper in this essay. If you review the statement as you have it now, you do not know where the information from the first speaker ends and the information from the second speaker begins. That is why you have to make sure to present the second speaker prior to indicating the information from that person. Without a differentiation in speakers, the summary becomes confusing for the reader to assess.