This incident occured about two years ago when two activists on anti-corruption from China demanded transparancy every government official in respect of their private wealth in front of public. The Activists were judged disturbing public order due to these actions. Therefore, They were convicted to five years in jail. Beside of that, before the activists convicted, there was one of politician from the communist party who convicted also.
A huge number of people argued that the activists had been treated unfairly, because people felt no disturbed by the action of activists and their followers. Otherwise, Society felt their demands to government representated by the activiests. People certainly wanted new era on their nation's life. At that time, The government was persepted nothing to do their primary duties for service society. The corruption problems were being become extra ordinary crime which had to be erased from their country.
A huge number of people argued that the activists had been treated unfairly, because people felt no disturbed by the action of activists and their followers. Otherwise, Society felt their demands to government representated by the activiests. People certainly wanted new era on their nation's life. At that time, The government was persepted nothing to do their primary duties for service society. The corruption problems were being become extra ordinary crime which had to be erased from their country.