In the last few decades, neuroscientists have made enormous breakthroughs in comprehending how the brain works by observing it in real time situation with appliances such as Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanner by involving people who listened to music and played musical instruments as the respondents. When the researchers monitored those who were listening to music, they saw fireworks on multiple areas of their brain related at once to understand the elements such as melody and rhythm and then put them all back together as musical experience. Consequently, listening to music engages the brain into some interesting activities. While in musicians' brain movements, the neuroscientists noticed multiple areas of the brain lighted out simultaneously in processing different information. This equals to a full-body workout as the neuroscientists explain that playing musical instruments will practically engage every area of the brain, especially the visual, motoric and auditory functions. It will also strengthen these brain's functions and enable the musicians to utilize those strengths to various activities.
Therefore, playing musical instruments is able to increase the volume and motions of the brain's corpus callosum, the bridge between the two hemispheres. It also allows musicians to solve problems more effectively and creatively in both academic and social studying. Thus, musicians often have higher level of exact function, a category of interlink tasks including planning, approaching, and attention to detail, which requires simultaneous analysis of both cognitive and emotional aspects.
Therefore, playing musical instruments is able to increase the volume and motions of the brain's corpus callosum, the bridge between the two hemispheres. It also allows musicians to solve problems more effectively and creatively in both academic and social studying. Thus, musicians often have higher level of exact function, a category of interlink tasks including planning, approaching, and attention to detail, which requires simultaneous analysis of both cognitive and emotional aspects.