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TED Summary : We Train Soldiers for War. Let's Train Them to Come Home, too.

mem77 62 / 98 6  
Nov 13, 2016   #1
In this TED video, the speaker name is Hector A. Garcia. He is a psychologist who has spent his career for delivering evidence-based psychotherapies to veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). He works at the Valley Coastal Bend Veterans Health Care System and a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at UT Health San Antonio. During his speech, he shares about his experiences to take care of PTSD, identify the impact of this disease and also how to treat veterans who get this problem. As a scientist, he makes an exploration about the evolutionary of psychology and biology have influenced human toward PTSD. One of method to heal this problem is that doing the same training principles that the military uses in preparing its trainees for war. It is because in United States, the military have trained their army for war, not for coming to their home. Thus, when the army is back from the conflict areas to their hometown, their way of mentality think that they live in a dangerous environment. Another way of ending human suffering caused by war is to never go to war, but it is very hard to happen.
ichanpants89 [Contributor] 16 / 776 309  
Nov 13, 2016   #2
Hi Edho,
Here's my analysis towards your report summary of TED Talks.

- In this TED video, the speaker name is Hector A. Garcia gives a speech about ... (combining these two sentences would be better I guess.)
- ... to veterans with post-traumatic (dash is needed) stress disorder (PTSD).
- During his speech, he shares about(about is inappropriate collocation for the word "share". It is better to omit preposition.) his experiences to take care of PTSD, identifiesidentify the impact of this disease, and also finds out how to treat veterans who getgot this problem.

- ... of psychology and biology thathave influencedinfluence human towardthrough PTSD.
-One of the method to healsolve this problem is thatby doing the same (...) in preparing its traineessoldiers for war.
- It is because in United States, the military have trained their armyarmies for war...
- Thus, when the army is back from the (...), their way of mentality thinkthinkingmake them think that they still live in a dangerous environment.

- Another way of ending human suffering that is caused by war is to never go to war, but it is very hard to happenthis is nearly impossible.

Hope this helps :)

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