oil production report
The chart illustrates how much oil was produced per day from 2000 to 2004 in Nigeria, Chad, Congo and Somalia.
Overall, there was an increase in the daily amount of oil extracted in Nigeria, Chad and Somalia examined, while a gradual decline in oil production was seen during the period. In addition, Congo generally produced the most oil among 4 countries examined, but it was surpassed by Nigeria in the last year of the period.
Oil production in Cong started at 275 in 2000, after which it experienced a moderate decrease to 215 in 2003, before ending the period at 203 in 2004. Meanwhile, the figure for oil extraction in Nigeria fluctuated in the range from 2000 to 2002, reaching the highest amount of oil 213 in 2004.
0 barrels of oil was witnessed in Chad between 2000 and 2002, with a subsequent increase examined from 2002 onwards. Besides, the figure for oil production per day gradually grew and exported 50 barrels per day in 2004, which was the amount of oil production os Chad in the same year.
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15539 The summary overview is too short. It should be at least 3 sentences long. Never merge the information about the image type, references, measurement type, and enumerated coverage into a single sentence. That will create a problematic run-on sentence and show an inability to properly construct various sentence types, leading to immediate GRA score deductions.
The trending statement is too long in this case. It should have a representation of only the high and low of the image measurements. This will be seen as a reporting paragraph instead and be scored again, in a reduced manner because of the improper trending statement format. Some of the information in this paragraph should have actually been provided in the summary overview rather than the trending statement. The student needs to learn proper information formatting per paragraph to fix his summary overview + trending statement presentation mistakes.
Further GRA deductions, along with C+C reductions will be applied since the writer does not meet the academic 3 sentence requirement per paragraph. Any presentation with less than 3-5 sentences will always fail these sections as the writer does not properly develop his explanations based on proper simple, compound, and complex sentence presentations.
Long sentences + short paragraphs = Failing Score
"while a gradual decline in oil production was seen during the period" I guess you forgot to mention about the country. In addition , your overall is quite long. Furthermore, I see some errors in your body so it may reduce your score. Before submitting your essay, please check it again