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The table below shows the monthly expenditure of an average Australian family in 1991

fahadbd 25 / 55  
Sep 16, 2013   #1
The table below shows the monthly expenditure of an average Australian family in 1991 and 2001.

1991 2001

Food 155 160
Electricity and Water 75 120
Clothing 30 20
Housing 95 100
Transport 70 45

Other goods and services* 250 270
Total 675 715
*Other goods and services: non-essential goods and services

The table indicates the average family expenditure that expends monthly in Australia between 1991 and 2001. At a glance, it can be seen that expenditure in Food was by far more than other appliances.

In details, The biggest increase of expenditure was in consuming Food which more than doubled over the period being just at 155 in 1991 and 160 in 2001 per month. The second items came from Housing expending at $95 in 1991 which increased a bit to at $100 in 2001. The largest number of expenditure in total was seen in Other goods and services which rose from just at only $250 in 2001 to about $270 a month. There were considerably fewer amounts of expenditure for Clothing in 1991 only at $72 compared to Electricity and Water just at $75 in the same period, although this rate rose to at $120 in 2001.

There were almost as much expensive in Transport as in Electricity and Water in 1991. Together with Housing and food were still one of the most expensive services to the Australian family.

MisterWandering 18 / 314  
Sep 16, 2013   #2
The table indicates the average family expenditure that expends monthly in Australia between 1991 and 2001

The table illustrates the changes in monthly spending of an average Australian household between 1991 and 2001.

At a glance, it can be seen that

I feel that both "At a glance" and "It can be seen that" mean the same. You could simply write "Overall".

expenditure in Food was by far more than other appliances.

I think that "other goods and services" were the biggest item of expenditure.
In the overview paragraph, you could indicate the change in total spending instead, for example: Overall, there was a rise in the total expenditure of an Australian family from 1991 to 2001.

The biggest increase of expenditure was in consuming Food which more than doubled over the period

It is not correct. Actually, electricity and water consumption experienced the most significant increase over the period.

The largest number of expenditure in total

This sentence is not aligned with your overview.

There were almost as much expensive in Transport as in Electricity and Water in 1991

I don't quite get what you mean here and I don't think "expensive" is the right word.
I hope this helps!
dumi 1 / 6800  
Sep 19, 2013   #3
Where is the table? Use the "Attach file(s)" feature to upload the table. It is always good to upload your graphs to enable others to have a look at them and provide you with more relevant comments.

According to this structure -

The table indicates the average family expenditure that expends monthly in Australia between 1991 and 2001.

.... your introduction (1)

At a glance, it can be seen that expenditure in Food was by far more than other appliances.

... the overview (2) ... you can add one more line here.

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