the reasons for studying and employer support
The bar charts illustrate the percentage of why students study and how much support do they get from employers. The information is divided into age.
Overall, students who studied for career was majority in the younger groups, and the trend was reversed in studying for interest. More students studied as they like in older groups. Also, employers supported the students in middle age the least.
A high of 80% of students' studying reason was for career, compared to just under 20% in students aged over 49. Exactly 10% students studying for interest could be seen in young adult (under 26), while the proportion climbed up to 70% in those were over 49. The percentage of purposes of studying (for career and for interest) were the same in people who were 40-49 years old (approximately 40%).
Under 26 years old students received the most support from employers, while aged 30-39 students received the least (just over 60% and about 35% respectively). The students aged 26-29, 40-49 got 50%, 30% and 45% approximately.