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Do You Think The Advantages of Medical Care Development Outshine Its Disadvantages?

Stacy Handayani 29 / 16 19  
Jun 2, 2015   #1
One of the consequences of improved medical care is that people are living longer and life expectancy is increasing.
Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Health is arguably one of the most critical aspects of human's life. As such, some people try to improve medical care so as to prevent people from the death and to give them longevity and life expectancy. They believe that this can motivate people to do more in this world since they will live longer. However, I tend to believe that this trend can lead the world to face a higher rate of population and drive us to big problems like poverty and global warming.

The general views has been said that as the medical treatment improve gradually, this allows people to live longer and have life expectancy. Some people believe that this can encourage them to set a plan for their future life. Take dying people as an example, when shopisticated medical technology is believed by people able to cure their illness, in pain, people have motivation to live and tend to set a plan about what they can do in future life. In addition, this trend can prevent the world from extinction since widespread diseases can be cured by advance medical treatment.

Having said that, I tend to believe that this trend lead the world to a big problem, a great number of population. This is arguably one big problem that can drive us to another big problems like global warming, hunger, and poverty. Firstly, as the medication improve, the rate of death decrease significantly. While sick people are cured, babies are born. This causes a steady rise of the world population and this result in the number of houses increase. By building new homes, people just drive the world to experience global warming since green areas are destroyed for building purposes. Furthermore, since people continue to live and grow, they need more food to survive. As a consequence, natural resources are consumed everyday and it soon becomes limited. This drives people to hunger and poverty. Broadly speaking, the development of medical care lead the world to face a high population problem.

All in all, even though the improvement of medication can give people a spirit to survive and do more for their life in the future, I strongly believe that the disadvantages of this trend outshine the benefits since this unexpectedly drives us to a big problem of population growth. As far as I am concerned, it is imperative for people to live as they used to be.
justivy03 - / 2363 607  
Jun 2, 2015   #2
- Health is arguably one of the most critical aspects of human'shuman life.

- As such, some people try to improve medical care so as to prevent people from the death and to give them longevity and life expectancy.

- Take dying people as an example, when shopisticatedsophisticated medical technology is believed by people to be able to cure their illness, in pain, people have motivation to live and tend to set a plan about what they can do in the future life .

- This is arguably one big problem that can drive us to another bigbigger problems like global warming, hunger, and poverty.

- FirstlyFirst , as the medication improve, the rate of death decrease significantly.

- This causes a steady rise of the world population and this result in the increase of the number of houses increase .

- Broadly speaking, the development of medical care lead the world to face a highhigher population problem.

- All in allOverall , even though the improvement of medication can give people a spirit to survive and do more for their life in the future...

Stacy, kindly find my corrections above, I hope it helps. Don't forget to proof read your essay.

Keep writing

shintacandrade 10 / 73 87  
Jun 4, 2015   #3
The general views hashave been said that as the medical treatment improves gradually, this allows people to live longer and have life expectancy. Some people believe that this can encourage them to set a better and sustainable plan for their future life.

As far as I am concerned, it is imperative for people to live as they used to be.

Let me try to rewrite this:
Ultimately, it is imperative for people these days to run a greener and frugal lifestyle to ensure sustainable living in their longevity.

Good luck!

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