limit 250 words, this is 245. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hanging upside down from a slim metallic cable fifty feet above safety, I had begun to give up hope. "This is the third time you've almost lost it," I told myself. Looking around at the treetops that made up my surroundings, I paused for a second and admitted that this was a lot harder than I had imagined it to be. Suddenly from far below came a word of motivation - "You got this Logan!" I recognized this as the unmistakable voice of my classmate Jamey, who had accompanied me and fourteen other engineering students on this fieldtrip. Taking a deep breath, I recalled how I had fixed my dilemma just a minute ago. Making sure my feet were centered on the first cable and strengthening the grip I had on the second, I forced my lower body earthwards and levered my torso towards the sky above. Miraculously, I was right-side-up before I knew it, and allowed a sigh of relief as I felt the blood rush back out of my head. It was great to be on top of things again, yet a challenge still awaited me. Looking to my left, beyond where my flimsy metallic path ended, I spotted the end of my odyssey; a single rope hanging innocently out of range. But no, I had come too far for "out of range." Without a second thought I let go of everything I had, lunged towards my objective, and secured myself as the victor.
Hanging upside down from a slim metallic cable fifty feet above safety, I had begun to give up hope. "This is the third time you've almost lost it," I told myself. Looking around at the treetops that made up my surroundings, I paused for a second and admitted that this was a lot harder than I had imagined it to be. Suddenly from far below came a word of motivation - "You got this Logan!" I recognized this as the unmistakable voice of my classmate Jamey, who had accompanied me and fourteen other engineering students on this fieldtrip. Taking a deep breath, I recalled how I had fixed my dilemma just a minute ago. Making sure my feet were centered on the first cable and strengthening the grip I had on the second, I forced my lower body earthwards and levered my torso towards the sky above. Miraculously, I was right-side-up before I knew it, and allowed a sigh of relief as I felt the blood rush back out of my head. It was great to be on top of things again, yet a challenge still awaited me. Looking to my left, beyond where my flimsy metallic path ended, I spotted the end of my odyssey; a single rope hanging innocently out of range. But no, I had come too far for "out of range." Without a second thought I let go of everything I had, lunged towards my objective, and secured myself as the victor.