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Writing task 1 : top ten countries which have the highest number of Internet users

Panjasrose 3 / 6  
Feb 23, 2023   #1

ten countries with the highest number of Internet users

The table outlines the specific data off ten countries which have the highest number of Internet users in 2016.
Overall, the most populated country in the world China took the first place with a considerable gap and the country that had the highest percentage of people accessing the internet is the United Kingdom.

To be more specific, there were more than 700 million Chinese using the Internet which were over a half of its total population. Whereas, India have approximately 460 million inhabitants connecting to the Internet which were 240 million people less than that of China . In short, the rest 8 countries were US , Brazil ,Japan ,Russia , Nigeria , Germany , UK and Mexico respectively.

It is noticing that 9 out of 10 Americans or British are Internet connecters according to this statistics and the ninth place with 60 million users was belonged to Britain which had the total population of 65 million people .

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15153 4857  
Feb 26, 2023   #2
the most populated country in the world

This is not a part of the image presentation so the reference to China's actual population is not required and will not be given a scoring consideration.

with a considerable gap

A considerable gap in relation to? This is a confusing statement. This aspect of the sentence could have been omitted without affecting the clarity of the sentence idea. It's inclusion led to a problem in understanding your sentence topic reference.

there were more than 700 million Chinese

Where actual numerical data is given, use the actual data. You will receive deductions for misrepresenting table data in this case. Implied information can only be used when dealing with line graphs that do not actually hit a specific figure in the presentation.

In short,

In relation to? Look, there were 10 countries referenced, all with their own information covering 3 aspects. The presentation should have used 2 grouping presentations that properly refer to the internet users, percentage of population using the internet, and the total population. You cannot use selective information presentation in a task 1 essay because specific information is presented for your analysis and reporting output.

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