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The transition of the ages of the populations of Yemen and Italy between 2000 and 2050

pebzna12 13 / 24 9  
May 24, 2016   #1

The charts below give information on the ages of the populations of Yemen and Italy in 2000 and projections for 2050.


The pie charts below illustrate the transition of the ages of the populations of Yemen and Italy between 2000 and the projected year 2050. Overall, it is noticeable that the most dominant proportion in both years and countries is in age group of 15-59 years. However, partially, both countries show a reverse trend in each respective year.

In Yemen, the proportion of people in productive age began with 46.3%, the second after the group of age 0-14 years with 50.1% in 2000, and predicts to reach its peak at 57.3% during the 50 year-period. While, over the similar period, there will be a dramatic decrease of 20.1% for the latter group. However, the elderly will remain as the group with smallest proportion although there will increase slightly at 2.1% in 2050.

In Italy, on the contrary, despite the percentage of people age 15-59 years will steadily lead the total percentage between 2000 and 2050, the number forecasted to fall gradually until over 15% in 2050. While, the dramatic rise of about 18% will occur to elderly group over a half century. However, in this country, the group with lowest percentage over the same period is teenage-children with no more than 14.3% at most.

(203 Words)

Btihbk11 8 / 9  
May 24, 2016   #2
... Yemen and Italy between 2000 and 2050 and theas projected year 2050.
Overall, it is noticeable that the most dominant proportion in both ...
It is noticeable that group of 15-59 year-old have a predominant number in both years and countries .

Overall, your description is fairly good. In this occasion, i give a perusal in your introduction, however, i still a learner and hoping a same review for my essay.

Best regards

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