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The Truth of Turkey and Tryptophan

yurikeyuri 43 / 49  
Nov 28, 2016   #1
The turkey's meat has a bad reputation to make eaters sleepy. It contains the amino acid L-tryptophan, which produces sleep-promoting serotonin and melatonin. The opposite is the tryptophan that has the function to against sleepiness with the much of protein which can regulate insulin levels and actually combat fatigue.

Source : TIME

alfinkurnia 33 / 42  
Nov 28, 2016   #2
Hello yurike, I think your writting is very little, is dificult to correction it, I just give you better sentence, hope this can help you, and feel free to correction me too.

The turkey's meat has a bad reputation to cause people who eat sleepy .

The opposite is the tryptophan which has the function ...
Anna94 47 / 50  
Nov 28, 2016   #3
HELLO. let me give you some suggestions...

Actually, your writing is very short, so i cannot give you many comments.

..., which produces sleep-promoting [OF] serotonin and melatonin.
... to against sleepiness with the much ofprotein (Countable nounso it will be >> many proteins ) which can regulate ...

Keep writing

Beauty17 56 / 79  
Nov 28, 2016   #4
Hallo yurike.. here my suggestion for you.. i hope it helps

... reputation to make eaters FEEL sleepy.
... tryptophan that has the function to against sleepiness with the much much more of protein which .

Good luck
Bams17 28 / 38  
Nov 29, 2016   #5
1. less information
2. try to write length because write length will find more problem in sentence and it will help you.
3. use conjunction each sentence to make smooth your writing such as while, however, on the other hand etc.
septiadara29 48 / 45  
Nov 29, 2016   #6
Hello! I will give you some opinions about your essay.

The turkey's(it should be capital 'Turkey's meat' meat has (...) make eaters feel sleepy. Due to its composition that contains the amino (...) sleep-promoting , such as serotonin and melatonin. The opposite (it needs 'noun' to complete the sentence) is the tryptophan that has thea function to against sleepiness with the('the' can be use to state superlative words, such as the biggest, the largest) much of protein ...
AK354 7 / 6  
Nov 29, 2016   #7
Dear Yurike,

This is my advice for you, hope It can help you.
Honestly, you write very short sentence. I confuse to correction your writting.

The turkey'scountry must capital in first letter meat has a bad reputation ...

Remember when you make summary should show source which you write, it can help corrector to know even understand your summary.
kurnia 4 / 3  
Dec 6, 2016   #8
Dear Yurike,
here my advice for you. your writing actually good, but you write so short sentence, so I'm very confused to correction your writing. while write sentence don't forget fulfill the sentence with complex sentence agreement. and there are certain error grammarar and i will give my correction for you. so, feel free to correction me to.

The turkey's meat has a bad ... > (you can alter with this) The turkey's meat has a bad reputation because to can cause eaters sleepy
Castro 2 / 2  
Dec 6, 2016   #9
Hallo yuri let me give advise for you

The turkey's meat has a bad ... >>Turkey's ( use capital ) causing eaters sleepy

in addition, It contains (...), whichisproduces producing sleep-promoting ...

1. first in summary you should input the main idea including the most important data or key word because the best summary will gives much information to the reader and easy to read.

2. secondly, i think that it is better if you write length sentences because passage will contain much information if they provide much data and main idea in addition this is will help you to exercise you writing ability

3. thirdly, you should remember that to make flow writing usually writer use linking word or conjunction each sentence although it is slight tricky but i think it will more help full.

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