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Two surveys in 1997 and 2006, in which people were asked which communication skills were essential

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Feb 28, 2016   #1
The table below gives the result of two surveys in 1997 and 2006, in which people were asked with communication skills were essential in their job

The table graph provides the percentage of result survey based on external and internal communications skills in their jobs. It is apparent from the information that the results show that the demographic in 2006 experienced increment than in the first survey in almost all of the skills. The result shows that dealing with people and listening carefully to peers are by far the most significant factors that should be considered

Looking for detail on table At the external area, people should consider four importance skills The figure show that dealing with people is the most important if compared to others, presented at 65% in 2006 which increased five percent than the previous year People with knowledge of particular products or services ability are the next highest substantial factor, at 6% increment while the ability of advising or caring for customers accounted for 39%. Selling a product service talent is the least important decreasing to 3% over a period of 9 years.

Turning to other data, in internal communication, people tend to listen carefully their colleagues was the highest rate which the survey shows 9% increment compared to years 1997. While The second highest skill is instructing or training people Its proportion rose 5% over the period in the question. Moreover, employees with the capability to analyze problems together with others is depicted almost half of the listening ability as well as the persuading or influencing skill. While the other items the range increased from 3 percent to 6 percent too.

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