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Types of railway transportation used commonly in four countries in 2007.

dina79 20 / 26 3  
Apr 6, 2016   #1
The table below gives the information about rail transport in four countries in 2007.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make the comparison where relevant.

The given table illustrates about kind of railway transportation in the four countries by three categorized at 2007. Overall, it was imperative that Japan had the first rank in numerous people used the rail and US is the best in cargoes carried than the other countries.

Initially, the majority of people in Japan was often to use the rail transport at 27% of the population, however 0.3% the society in USA had the small portion to choose this transportation. Subsequently, UK was the second highest position at 5.9% and followed by Italy in the level of 5.5%

Moreover, in the part of passenger kilometres per head, Japan standby was the top at 1,980 and inverse with USA at 80. In which, Italy and UK had the similar trend at 780 and 770 repetitively. Surprisingly, UK was the big proportion in the cargo carried by rail transport at 2,820 billions of tons, the others countries inverse

liv_ryu 13 / 22 6  
Apr 6, 2016   #2
Hi Dina79, let me give some suggestions on your essay in paraphrase, I hope they are overly helpful for you:
1. Usually preposition for year is in,
For example :

in 2007

so you can change into over a 12-month in 2007
2. For name of country ,
For example : particularly


you are able to put The UK, Great Britain, Britain, the United Kingdom, so it will help you have more vocabularies in your essay
3. Maybe you can add the nationalities , such as Japanese, Britain, Italian, American
bastian20 10 / 16 2  
Apr 7, 2016   #3
Hi Dina, your writing task 1 is quite good. In my opinion you have included the main features of table. Besides, there is very few grammatical error. On the other hand, I would suggest you that every paragraph consists of three sentences. Yet, in introduction paragraph, you only use two sentences. it can reduce your band score. Let me paraphrase your introduction paragraph in order to give you alternative. I hope it can useful to improve your writing skill, thank you. Good luck

The given table illustrates about kind of railway transportation in ...

A breakdown of information regarding the number of passenger, distance taken on by people and cargo carried by rail transport in four different nations in 2007 is illustrated in the table. particularly in cargo, it measured in tons. Overall, it was imperative that Japan had the first rank in numerous people used the rail and US is the best in cargoes carried than the other countries.

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