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Essay about the waste collection by recycling centre - writing ielts task1

dramoon 1 / 1  
Mar 5, 2024   #1
The given bar chart illustrates the amount of trash collected by a recycling center between 2011 and 2015. As can be seen from the graph, there are four materials that are mentioned in the chart. Among them, paper is the material with the highest recycling rate in the period of 5 years. In 2011, the center had 57 tons of paper, 48 tons of glass, 35 tons of tins and 32 tons of garden waste recycled. However, all of these figures decreased significantly in the next year. The amount of waste from paper, glass, tins and garden was 50 tons, 41 tons, 27 tons and 15 tons consecutively. In 2013, aside from paper, which continued to fall from 50 tons to 40 tons, all other recycled materials experienced a rise. Two years after, the amount of materials got recycled by the center soared up greatly, for paper to reached its peak at 70 tons while it is 52 tons for glass, 39 tons for tins and 35 tons for garden waste.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Mar 10, 2024   #2
While the information stated in the report is correct and the word count was met, the essay will encounter heavy deductions in the area of formatting and response presentation. Why? The task 1 essay must be presented over a series of 3 paragraphs. Stand alone paragraphs should analyze and report on different aspects of the bar graph. This was not properly accomplished in this task. It is too compressed for the reader. It comes across as confusing to read and difficult to follow. It will affect both the C+C and GRA scores in the end. Heavy deductions in those sections, plus the formatting problem, will result in an essay that can only receive a failing score.
OP dramoon 1 / 1  
Mar 10, 2024   #3
Thank you a lot for your feedback. I will practice more to overcome the problem mentioned.

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