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shofa_nefertete 12 / 35  
Sep 30, 2010   #1
Question: The influence of the western cultures is now felt in almost all parts of the world involving lifestyles, values systems, and even education. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

The world is becoming smaller and more united demands are made more unifying be it the life we live, values we emulate, and education we pursue. Predominantly, westerners colonize the mentality of all people across the globe which creates such unity in diversity. Such global phenomenon transforms a unique and ideal culture to a one-size-fits-all melting pot of identity with superiority of Western touch. I believe this create more havoc and dilemma rather than bringing unity and common identity.

Every culture has its own unique tapestry of tradition, customs, and education system that are weaved and intertwined to a wonderful piece of identity. The craze and fascination for a more liberal lifestyle and carefree attitude propelled by westerners foster an ugly habit of colonial mentality which most people become more xenocentric forgetting the culture they believe in. Though some culture persists to continue the value of discipline and respect to be inculcated in most young people, the mere influence brought about by television, radio and everything shown to the public change people's perspective in a flash. In addendum, educational system of most countries are now tailored and curtailed in the syllabus of western ideologies and philosophies which made most time-tested teaching methods got lost in oblivion.

To specify my point, the Philippines has always been one of the remarkable countries to exhibit its pride and nationalism as shown in their battles for independence. A century passes by, Filipinos forget even kissing of hands, greeting of elders, and helping of others since books, movies, and television shows tolerate such violence and disrespect. The Juan dela Cruz who is known for his discipline and religiosity is slowly morphing in a makeshift and trying hard Uncle Sam fanatic. Furthermore, the country's educational core is revised to the ideals of American system which focus more on content rather than substance like morality and values. From a respectful individual, we make a mean and spoiled brat. (399 words)

Getting acquainted with other culture is tolerable since we learn to be a better version of ourselves, but forgetting one's roots in the expense of becoming a hilarious imitation or cultural faux pas is preposterous.

After all, the essence of eclecticism in getting the best of both Eastern and Western culture is to imbibe the spirit of identity and recognition to one's origin rather than embracing a new one which can just be an ephemeral and passing trend.

scarecrowd 8 / 16  
Sep 30, 2010   #2
The world is becoming smaller and more united demands are made more unifying be it the life we live, values we emulate, and education we pursue.These result in more unifying be it the life we live, values we emulate, and education we pursue. Predominantly, westerners colonize the mentality of all people across the globe which creates sucha unity in diversity. Such a global phenomenon transforms a unique and ideal culture to a one-size-fits-all melting pot of identity with superiority of Western touch. I believe this create more havoc and dilemma rather than bringingbring unity and common identity.

This is some errors I found. I Think it may be help you guys.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13288 129  
Oct 3, 2010   #3
Predominantly, westerners colonize (you cannot colonize a mentality)...
...Western culture influences the mentality of all people across the globe, which creates a kind of unity in diversity. --- this is an interesting concept... unity in diversity.

Such a global phenomenon transforms a unique and ideal culture to a one-size-fits-all melting pot of identity with superiority of W western ideas seeming superior. I believe this creates more havoc and dilemmas rather than bringing unity and common identity.

The craze and fascination with a more liberal lifestyle and carefree attitude propelled by westerners fosters an ugly habit of colonial mentality (you cannot have a habit of colonial mentality. You have to revise this so that it is simple and clear. I don't know how to fix it... )

A century passes by, and Filipinos forget even kissing of hands, greeting of elders, and helping of others since books, movies, and television shows tolerate such violence and disrespect.

Thanks for helping me to better understand the way people in some parts of the world view westerners! It is our liberal and carefree attitude that causes us to tolerate television programs and other entertainment that portrays undesirable behaviors... so, people from some parts of the world do not feel the same way westerners do about free expression. That means you probably feel like censorship should be used, I guess. That is understandable, I think.

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