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rosadesiana 38 / 40 2  
Sep 1, 2016   #1
A wheelchair is needed, not only for disabled people but also for the elderlies. A rapid growth of older inhabitants happens in developed country. on the other hand, most of the disabilities in that state come from the poverty, injuries and conflict society. Wheelchair gives a bigger occasion to the sufferers to run their lives, to be more independent, and discover the world as other people do. Unfortunately, the tight spaces, slippery surfaces, width of doorway, and steep slopes issues arise and create a new problem. Home is one of some difficult places to use a wheelchair, because it should be specifically designed to ease the disability. The interior modification can be done to a few sides at home, such as lower the sinks and mirrors, higher the toilet seats, lower counters and shelves and also switches.
ekalamarsyari11 72 / 108 9  
Sep 1, 2016   #2
A wheelchair is needed, not only for disabled people but also for the elderlieselderly people => you are not supposed to use comma when using not only.. but also

older inhabitants => older people

Wheelchair gives a bigger occasionto thefor sufferers to run their lives=> a realistic chance

The interior modification => the modification of its interior
you should mention the reference of your summary or its website address
dinartika19 37 / 67 6  
Sep 2, 2016   #3
Hi Rosa!

A rapid growth of older inhabitants ... => The older inhabitants grow rapidly in the developed country.

onOn the other hand, (...) come from thea poverty, an injuries and a conflict society.

Wheelchair gives a bigger occasions to the sufferers to runrunning their lives, to bebecome more independent,

The interior modification canshould be done to a few sides at home,

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