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Tung VIETNAM 1 / -  
Oct 26, 2023   #1

free access to University education

Some people believe that everyone has a right to have access to University education and that government should make it free-for-all students no matter what financial background they have.

There is a school of thought that everyone should be allowed to pursue college without fee irrespective of their financial status. This essay is going to prove why this is a fault belief.

First of all, It is understandable why people believe that waiving tuition fees is good when it seems to help more people have college degrees, especially the underpriviliged, and jobs but this is a flawed belief. It is true that when tuition is free, more people will be able to attend universities and get a degree. However, more influx of graduates would create a very competitive labor market . As a consequence, it would get harder and harder for graduates to land a job with a university qualification. This, then , would lead to higher unemployment rate and put a strain on the undergraduates and the graduates .

Secondly, abolishing tuition fees would , also, take a toll on society and the learners. If the government apply the free-of-charge college policy, they would have to face a excessive amount of education grant every year and this may put a big strain on the government budget. Eventually, there would be tax hikes and welfare would be reduced. For example, the disabled and the old don't receive their annual grant because of the budget deficit and become homeless.

In conclusion, many people think that free higher education is good for people but free education may do more harm than good.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Oct 26, 2023   #2
The essay only contains 242 words. This is an automatic failing score essay. You cannot receive a passing score because of the deduction percentage that will be applied to the task accuracy score due to lack of word count. Once you do not write 250 words, you will fail the test. Yes, you will fail on a technicality, you will also learn that it will directly affect the C+C score of your essay because, the low word count is always associated with incomplete explanations or under developed essay presentations. Both of which will result in your essay receiving the lowest possible scoring consideration for those sections. Low scores in those sections will definitely prevent you from achieving even a base passing score.
ardiarmanto 2 / 4  
Oct 27, 2023   #3
Besides of the length of words that insufficient for the test's standard, there are so much lacks from your essay. In the first paragaprah, you should declare your standpoint from the topic, then it is followed by some paragraphs (at least 2 paragraphs) which explain about the reasons, facts, and arguments on the topic and your standpoint. Lastly, you conclude the essay with concise and clear sentences about the topic and your standpoint.

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