Am I allowed to write description of the commercials in the first paragraph?
I'm not really sure if I am allowed to write descriptions of TV commercials in the introducing paragraph, or if I should write it in the next paragraphs. I'm really comfused. Can anyone help me?
Select two TV commercials you know. Compare them as for general strategy of how to attract consumers and as for target group. Which one is the most efficient? (Comparative type of essay)
Thank you for your posts.
Sure, I think you can write them down whatever ways you like, as long as your introduction has a thesis to signal readers what your essay is going to be about. A thesis of comparative type of essay can be like this:=> Although A and B are twins and look alike, their personalities are much different.
Thank you.
You have two options. Google this: compare, contrast, essay, alternating, opposing.
You can describe one in detail and then describe the other in detail. That is probably the easiest way. After describing both, reflect on similarities and also differences. Discuss the topics being studied in class.
After you have written about both, go back and do an intro paragraph.
Then, go to the end and write a conclusion. It will be great if the first paragraph has a sentence that sums up the most important idea of the essay.
The hardest part is getting started. Just start writing about one of them. :-)
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