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What is evolution ? Natural Selection? Inbreeding?hybridization? mutation?

khalilrahimi 1 / -  
Dec 5, 2012   #1
Evolution is a scientific theory that was proposed by Charles Darwin. Evolution is change overtime , it could be change in a gene, that causes the phenotype or the genotype itself to change. Changes in the genotype could be passed on to the next generation buy passing an allele which microevolution. Microevolution " involving small-scale changes, i.e. within the species level, occurring over a short period of time that results in the formation of new subspecies." ( Biology-Online) This changes overtime could happen by the natural selection, mutation, interbreeding, or mating two different species.

What is evolution ?
"The change in genetic composition of a population over successive generations, which may be caused by natural selection, inbreeding, hybridization, or mutation." ( Biology-Online)

what is Natural Selection?
Natural selection is selective breeding happening naturally instead of by a breeder. Natural selection is a "process in nature in which organisms possessing certain genotypic characteristics that make them better adjusted to an environment tend to survive, reproduce, increase in number or frequency, and therefore, are able to transmit and perpetuate their essential genotypic qualities to succeeding generations." ( Biology-Online)

''The exuberant tail of the peacock is thought to be the result of sexual selection by females. " (WikipediaĊ½) for this peacock white feather gene to be passed on to the next generation the female peacock have to accepts the color the of white peacock to be passed on which happens naturally not by a breeder.

what is Inbreeding?

"The mating of two closely related persons. Also called consanguinity. The act of mating closely relatedindividuals.The mating of organisms between relatives, which usually decreases heterozygosis in the gene pool and done by selective breeders to produce hybrids." ( Biology-Online)

" Inbreeding is a mating system whereby individuals of related ancestry /blood are inter-mated. The intension of inbreeding is to bring out the outstanding characteristics of the family. Many Champion bird breeders around the world have used this kind of mating system in improving their stocks. What happens in inbreeding is that when two related birds are bred, their progenies will be more homozygous (more purer). The consequences or the inbreeding depressions are: lowered immune response, reduced resistance against climatic influences, shorter body length, reduced fertility, survival rate, stunted growth, shorter life expectancy and physiological vigor. The more closely related birds are inter-mated, the more radical these consequences are." (Nepomuceno)

what is hybridization

the offspring of two different species, ''(biology) The act or process of mating organisms of different varieties or species to create a hybrid.
(molecular biology) The process of forming a double stranded nucleic acid from joining two complementarystrands of DNA (or RNA).
(chemistry) The mixing of atomic orbitals to form new orbitals suitable for bonding." ( Biology-Online)

what is mutation?
mutation is an erorr in nucleotide in a chromosome. "(general) A change in or the process of changing, e.g. nature, form or quality. (genetics) (1) A permanent, heritable change in the nucleotide sequence in a gene or a chromosome; the process in which such a change occurs in a gene or in a chromosome. (2) A mutant, or an individual exhibiting such a change." ( Biology-Online)

" Typical of India Blue silver-pied peafowl, this peacock has a body that is predominantly white but displays some colored markings. Brad found a mutant silver-pied bird at an auction and developed the variety." (McEowen)

Jennyflower81 - / 678 96  
Dec 5, 2012   #2
Changes in the genotype could be passed on to the next generation buy passing an allele which is called microevolution.

This changesOver time, these changes could happen by the natural selection, mutation, interbreeding, or mating two different species.

for this peacock white feather gene to be passed on to the next generation the female peacock have to accepts the color the of white peacock to be passed on which happens naturally not by a breeder.

This sounds confusing. Maybe say it like this:
"Since the female prefers white feathered males, they will mate more often with them, resulting in more white feathered peacocks. This is an example of natural selection, as opposed to controlled breeding."

what is Inbreeding?
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