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Can't think of an essay topic that is the most common topic ever

tau 4 / 10  
Jun 19, 2009   #1
hey guys, i appreciate your help from last semester and my hat off to the staff...i got an A for mah english class and i know if it wasnt for your staffs help i woudlnt get that grade...anyways, i want your help with finding one of the most common topic ever...well, i did global warming, suicide, dengue and so much more and now i cant come up with a topic...its like im out of thoughts..yea i know thats funny but its the truth..please..thanks, tau
EF_Simone 2 / 1986  
Jun 19, 2009   #2
Can you give us any idea at all why you are writing or what you might like to write about? What course is this for? What is the assignment, exactly? We can help you brainstorm, but we need more information.
Drudoy 1 / 5  
Jun 19, 2009   #3
Seems like your essay can be about anything you like. If that is the case, I recommend writing about something you are interested in or know a lot about. You can write about border control, stem cell research, health care or any other government polices. Just choose something you find interest in and will have a fun time writing.

Hope I was able to give you some ideas and good luck on your paper.
Notoman 20 / 419  
Jun 20, 2009   #4
How about something to do with Samoa's relationship to the United States? (I saw in your profile that you are Samoan).

American Samoans are American nationals, but not citizens? What exactly does that mean? Would there be a benefit to extending citizenship? Should American Samoans be extended the right to vote in Presidential elections? Compare and contrast Western Samoa to American Samoa. Would American Samoa be better off if it were to gain independence? How is English taught in Samoan schools? How is Samoan taught in Samoan schools? Is the government doing a good job of educating the people? What measures are being taken to preserve the culture?

There are many, many other topics you could write about. Bringing the drinking age in line with the draft age. Uhhhh . . . never mind. I don't even know what the drinking age is in Samoa or whether the citizens are subject to the military draft. Whether or not military recruiters should be allowed in American high schools. Errrr . . . that probably isn't an issue there, is it?

Do "heroin chic" images in advertising glorify drug use? Do violent video games lead to violent behavior? Should gay marriage be sanctioned? Should every student have the right to attend college at the public's expense?
EF_Simone 2 / 1986  
Jun 20, 2009   #5
How about something to do with Samoa's relationship to the United States? (I saw in your profile that you are Samoan).

I like this idea! (Very clever of you to check the profile, Notoman.)
EF_Sean 6 / 3491  
Jun 20, 2009   #6
A Google search for the term "controversial topics" will get you sites that list 50+ subjects for argumentative essays. Better yet, some of the sites have lists of hyperlinks that will take you lists of sites that support and oppose policies related to the controversial issue you select, giving you a good place to start your research.
EF_Simone 2 / 1986  
Jun 20, 2009   #7
But, please, for your teacher's sake and your own, don't choose a topic that "seems like a good topic" but doesn't interest you. You'll end up hating the assignment and turning in a boring essay just like those written by other students who chose the topic at random and wrote rote "for" and "against" arguments. Spend time choosing a topic that is meaningful to you in some way, and you will do a better job while having more fun.
EF_Sean 6 / 3491  
Jun 21, 2009   #8
Yes, I had assumed that one would choose from said lists those topics that one found most interesting. Choosing a topic at random, or even just a topic that one knows little about to begin with (which is not the same thing), can still be a good idea in some cases, though, if one has, or is trying to cultivate, an intellectual curiosity and a passion for writing in general. On no account, though, should you choose a topic you believe you will actively dislike writing about, or that you know you will not be able to sustain an interest in for at least as long as it takes you to write a decent paper on it.
OP tau 4 / 10  
Jun 24, 2009   #9
thanks guys but i think Notoman is right.
EF_Simone 2 / 1986  
Jun 24, 2009   #10
Yes, I thought that was a good idea all along. I'm glad you will go with it. Let's see a draft when you're ready.
EF_Sean 6 / 3491  
Jun 25, 2009   #11
Indeed, it's a very original topic, and I look forward to reading your draft when you have it.

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