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truth, hope, despair, faith, and hate - Definition essay

SNcameron 1 / -  
Nov 5, 2014   #1
Hi everybody. I need help writing a definition essay, and I have no clue how to. I've done lots of research but still I'm lost when it comes to writing this essay. The words my teacher gave me are truth, hope, despair, faith, and hate. She says I have to pick a lens on how I want to define it. Please, any ideas help.

vangiespen - / 4088  
Nov 5, 2014   #2
Shelton, when I write definition essays, I often start with the basic definition from the dictionary and then present my personal definition of the word depending upon how it applies to the past or present events in my life. By using my personal experience as a basis, I am able to present a unique definition of the words given to me by the teacher. This is what she meant by picking up a lens. You need to see the definition of the words on a far deeper basis than just the simple dictionary explanation. Learn to find the presence of the word in your life and discover how you can explain it to other people in those terms. That is how you write a definition essay. You could simply use your own understanding of the word to explain it or you can explain it by using personal experiences as part of your personal definition. Either way, a definition essay uses more than just the dictionary or encyclopedia explanation of a word or term. It is an explanation that comes from within you and your understanding of the word based upon your own terms.

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