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I'm a wife, a mother of two boys; "Who Am I?"

sjarrett6 /  
Feb 27, 2013   #1
My assignment entails me to write a paragraph answering "Who Am I" inclusive of adjectives-lots of adjectives!

First off, I am a wife, mother of two beautiful boys, and I a student here at a Community College. I am very determined and aspire to accomplish my goals. I am helpful, sweet, kind, and I am a shy, yet a HUGE talker around those I know and am comfortable with! While I am very strong when I need to be, I am also weak at times. I am spiritual, just not in the sense of group organized spirituality. I am curious, emotional, and yes, while I hate to admit it, I am an adult. I am the path that I have chosen and the consequence that comes forth. Time has changed many things, but I am who I am from experience.

Who Am I? I Am A Work In Progress!!

OP sjarrett6 /  
Feb 27, 2013   #2
I am

I AM NOT,...In my original paper I planned on capitalizing these letters to show how they are me and show their significance to me....I overdid it with the 37 thing, but I thought it would be cute on this forum. I will actually enter my real age of: 14. Why do I hate English class? It is like totally boring everday!!!!
android21 10 / 56  
Feb 27, 2013   #3
I am also a very helpful, kind, and a shy chatterbox around those...

I am very strong when needed, and I am weak during moments I shouldn't be

Contradictory, leave it as it was in original...

Last and most importantly , time may have changed many things, but I AM who I AM thanks to my many experiences!

Leave as was in original... it is cleaner this way

spring/summer morning-early!

I am not so sure summer and spring fall (<no pun intended @ fall)!!) into one day....and maybe put the descriptive noun "early" before "morning"...or take out this sentence and insert what you wrote before ( which I preferred...your choice)

Again, great job!
dumi 1 / 6800  
Feb 27, 2013   #4
android has provided you with excellent comments :)

First off, I am a wife, mother of two beautiful boys, and I'm a student here at a Community College.

First of all, I am a happy wife, a mother blessed with two beautiful boys and now a student here at a Community College. ... now you not only inform your marital status and other related info, but also give an idea about how you emotionally perceive yourself.

. I am also a very helpful, kind, and shy chatterbox around those I know and am comfortable with!

I am also a helpful, compassionate and kind person. Also I am pretty shy, yet a great chatterbox in the company of the people I am comfortable with.

Home / Essays / I'm a wife, a mother of two boys; "Who Am I?"
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