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'create a more scientifically advanced tomorrow' SOP for integrative biology program

shahrokh 1 / -  
Sep 25, 2012   #1
I was hoping if someone could help me to make my SOP better and correct it !!! please write me your suggestion

Science has always been a fascination and more of a miracle to me from my childhood. From that time till today, my most remarkable characteristics have been my curiosity to learn new topics. My keen interest for learning new ideas, when combined with my inner desire to reach a degree of excellence in every piece of work I perform, enabled me to acquire significant knowledge on various aspects of nature and technology, as well as leading me through a successful education.

The goal of my life is to be a part of the existing race to create a more scientifically advanced tomorrow, thus I envision graduate studies as a path towards my advancement in this direction. I am looking for a graduate program where I apply what I learn in my classes into the research I do and turn out my interests and curiosities into realities. I believe that University ... will provide this opportunity for me since it values both research and teaching. I am positive that your schooloffers the flexibility needed for an in-depth understanding of the vast and rapidly changing field of biological science, leading to widening the horizons of my knowledge and helping me attain a milestone in my career.

During my early ages in school, I was introduced to 'biology 'andhowit's related to all aspect of our life. From then, I became fascinated about biology and their principles. As a result of this excitement, I took part in a discussion group (biology Club) of senior high school students and schoolteachers who motivated me to select biological science as my career. Personal satisfaction also plays a key role in my career decision. I enjoy acquiring new skills and information, which help me adapt to the fast-changing world.

In the last year of high school, I was strongly confident in following my interests in general biology field, which has a better reputation and covers a vast range of topics. To accomplish this goal of mine, I had to qualify in the national entrance exam for universities, where more 900,000 students participate. My motivations helped me study very hard for this difficult competition such that I was among the first 5% and were accepted to the General Biology program at Qods branch of Azad University.

During my undergraduate studies at university I was studied hard both to be able to pursue my graduate studies abroad and to reveal more mysterious in my mind. Due to my keen interest in biology, Little by little I become more connected with my professors. My genetic professor ( Dr.Mirzahmady) chose me as his T.A during class time to practice Mendelian Genetics with other students and my physiology Prof ( Dr.Rjabi) asked me to translate two season of Guyton for preparing the next-semester course book under his supervision . Also Dr.Soleimany- the Dean of science department- asked me to join the biotechnology club to publish an internal biology magazine for the first time in University. I did take advantage of these opportunities for more satisfaction and becoming more and more familiar with group projects in academic atmosphere. At the end I graduated with total average of 17.96. I also awarded an acclaim from science department as top 5 students.

As time went on and I became more and more connected with my favorite field of molecular biology, and I realized that I am interested in the areas of working with DNA. Besides the theoretical background I achieved, I also sought practical knowledge in Molecular biology through various project works. After I finished my third year, I started thinking of how this field is applicable to the real world. Thus, I decided to direct my learning approach towards practical subjects, and I chose to work as project assistant in biotechnology department, University of Tehran which is the most outstanding biotechnology laboratory under the supervision of Dr. Elahe Elahi, who helped me significantly strengthen my practical point of view towards the real world. I served as an assistant for DNA Barcoding project which has been started in Iran for the first time by our group.These experiences were invaluable for me since I learned the serviceability and functionality of various real world applications. There I grasped the application of molecular biology in various sections. Working in such an outstanding places broadened my vision of biology. This experience even made me more enthusiastic and motivated about pursuing my graduate studies in molecular biology. During our project, we also found many evolutional traces of fish which were a part of our project aim. Since then I focused more on evolution of creatures all over the world and revealing the exact evolution process of every creature was absolutely interesting and fascinating for me. Nowadays it's crystal clear that most of evolutionary processoccurs at molecular level. Hence with help of molecular biology principles we can identify many of these evolutional traces. Also learned how to be an effective leader, as I was working with junior interns, and the importance of working as a team to achieve our goal more efficiently and quickly.

As well as the coursework and practical experience, I have always followed the scientific innovations and new design techniques by reading scientificjournal papers and conference papers and attending various seminars & conferences like The fifth, sixth and seventh international biotechnology conference in university of Tehran and the international conference of Genetics in Shahid Beheshty university. Also, In order to acquire knowledge on this widespread technology, I familiarized myself on them through variety of workshops.

I also had the opportunityto work on a project of producing diagnosis Real-time Kits for detection of Human hepatitis (HBV, HCV) in one of the most prestige's researching institutes of Iran -Pasteur institute of Iran-Although this project is not completed yet, working in such atmosphere with great molecular biology experts under supervision of Dr. Nader Shahrokhiis served as an enriching experience and a chance to interact with dedicated professors in my stream.

It was not too much far after these researching projects that I received a job offer from the renowned first Iranian advanced biotech company in Iran-KIAGEN TEB CO.LTD-at the beginning my job was to run diagnosis tests in NOOR laboratory in order to getting familiar with these types of tests and procedures more. After a while I started my main job in the company as a genomic service supervisor. My career is including designing Next-Gen Sequencing projects, Sanger sequencing and primer synthesis. Also troubleshooting the diagnosis tests in different customer's laboratory and setup PCR protocols for them. Working on different projects with my colleagues as a team, I have proven to be an excellent team worker. I have also selected to manage different activities as the leader to the team project as was assigned to me by the manager due to the leadership capabilities they found in me and acknowledged. I suggested to our boss to open a facility for calibration of different type of molecular instruments like Real-time PCR and thermo cyclers. For the very first time in Iran we initiated the calibration of various molecular instruments and got all the certificates from the health ministry of Iran under my management.

My academic pursuits have not however, prevented me from participating with interest in various co-curricular activities such as organizing group sports. These activities have led to the development of a multifaceted personality and have equipped me with strong interpersonal skills.

My ultimate goal in my life is to make a commendable contribution to the science world by doing research which would change the dimensions of future understanding and the way we perceive the nature. My goal is to learn still further by pursuing a graduate degree and implementing the ideas as effectively as I can. I have a great confidence that I can have an excellent environment for enriching my knowledge. I am confident that my academic records and practical knowledge combined with my eagerness to do research exhibit the perseverance and zeal required to pursue a Doctoral Degree in your reputed university.

I look forward to joining ... as a graduate student at your integrative and evolutionary biologyprogram. I have many ambitions for myself as I embark on this stage of my life. I believe that a graduate study will provide milestone in my career along with invaluable experiences and skills that will allow me to become a successful, innovative professional and gives assistance to accomplish my goals.

Perry - / 3  
Oct 11, 2012   #2
I was hoping if someone could help me to make my SOP better and correct it !!! please write me your suggestion

Science has always been a fascination and seemingly more of a miracle to me fromsince my childhood. From that time u till today, my most remarkable characteristics hasve been my curiosity to learn new topics. My keen interest for learning new ideas, when combined with my inner desire to reach a degree of excellence in every piece of work I perform, enabled me to acquire significant knowledge on various aspects of nature and technology, as well as leading me through a successful education.

The goal of my life is to be a part of the existing race to create a more scientifically advanced tomorrow, thus I envision graduate studies as a path towards my advancement in this direction. I am looking for a graduate program where I apply what I learn in my classes into the research I do and turn out my interests and curiosities into realities. I believe that University ... will provide this opportunity for me since it values both research and teaching. I am positive that your school offers the flexibility needed for an in-depth understanding of the vast and rapidly changing field of biological science, leading to widening the horizons of my knowledge and helping me attain a milestone in my career.

During my early ages in school, I was introduced to 'biology 'andhowit's related to all aspect of our life. From then, I became fascinated about biology and their principles. As a result of this excitement, I took part in a discussion group (biology Club) of senior high school students and schoolteachers who motivated me to select biological science as my career. Personal satisfaction also plays a key role in my career decision. I enjoy acquiring new skills and information, which help me adapt to the fast-changing world.

In the last year of high school, I was strongly confident in following my interests in the general biology field, which has a better reputation and covers a vast range of topics. To accomplish this goal of mine, I had to qualify in the national entrance exam for universities, where more 900,000 students participate. My motivations helped me study very hard for this difficult competition such that I was among the first 5% and were accepted to the General Biology program at Qods branch of Azad University.

During my undergraduate studies at university I was studied hard both to be able to pursue my graduate studies abroad and to reveal more mysteriouses in my mind. Due to my keen interest in biology, Little by little I beca me more connected with my professors. My genetic professor ( Dr.Mirzahmady) chose me as his T.A during class time to practice Mendelian Genetics with other students, and my physiology Prof ( Dr.Rjabi) asked me to translate two season of Guyton for preparing the next-semester course book under his supervision . Also, Dr.Soleimany, the Dean of science department, asked me to join the biotechnology club to publish an internal biology magazine for the first time in the Universityies history . I did take advantage of these opportunities for more satisfaction and to becomeing more and more familiar with group projects in the academic atmosphere. At the end I graduated with a total average of 17.96. I was also awarded an acclaim from the science department as a top 5 students .

As time went on and I became more and more connected with my favorite field of molecular biology, and I realized that I am interested in the areas of working with DNA. Besides the theoretical background I achieved, I also sought practical knowledge in Molecular biology through various project works. After I finished my third year, I started thinking of how this field is applicable to the real world. Thus, I decided to direct my learning approach towards practical subjects, and I chose to work as project assistant in the biotechnology department, University of Tehran. Itwhich is thea most outstanding biotechnology laboratory and under the supervision of Dr. Elahe Elahi, who helped me significantly strengthen my practical points of view towards the real world. I served as an assistant for a DNA Barcoding project which has been started in Iran for the first time by our group.These experiences were invaluable for me since I learned the serviceability and functionality of various real world applications. There, I grasped the application of molecular biology in various sections. Working in such an outstanding places broadened my vision of biology. This experience even made me more enthusiastic and motivated about pursuing my graduate studies in molecular biology. During our project, we also found many evolutional traces of fish which were a part of our projects aim. Since then, I focused more on evolution of creatures all over the world, and revealing the exact evolution process of every creature was absolutely interesting and fascinating for me. Nowadays it'sis crystal clear that most of evolutionary processes occurs at molecular levels . Hence, with the help of molecular biology principles we can identify many of these evolutional traces. Also, I learned how to be an effective leader,( as I was working with junior interns), and the importance of working as a team to achieve our goal more efficiently and quickly.

As well as the coursework and practical experience, I have always followed the scientific innovations and new design techniques by reading scientificjournal papers and conference papers and attending various seminars &and conferences like:t he fifth, sixth and seventh international biotechnology conference inat the university of Tehran and the international conference of Genetics at Shahid Beheshty university. Also, In order to acquire knowledge on this widespread technology, I familiarized myself on them (change on them) through variety of workshops.

I also had the opportunity to work on a project of producing diagnosis Real-time Kits for detection of Human hepatitis (HBV, HCV) in one of the most prestige's researching institutes - Pasteur institute of Iran. Although this project is not yet completedyet , working in such atmosphere with great molecular biology experts under supervision of Dr. Nader Shahrokhiis served as an enriching experience and a chance to interact with dedicated professors in my stream.

It was not too much far after these researching projects that I received a job offer from the renowned first Iranian advanced biotech company in Iran-KIAGEN TEB CO.LTD. The beginning my job was to run diagnosis tests in NOOR laboratory in order to getting familiar with these types of tests and procedures more . After a while I started my main job in the company as a genomic service supervisor. My career is includinges designing n ext-g en s equencing projects, Sanger sequencing and primer synthesis. Also, troubleshooting the diagnosis tests in different customer's laboratories and setup PCR protocols for them. Working on different projects with my colleagues as a team, I have proven to be an excellent team worker. I have also selected to manage different activities as the leader to the team project as was assigned to me by the manager due to the leadership capabilities they found in me and acknowledged . I suggested to our boss to opening a facility for calibration of different types of molecular instruments like r eal-time PCR and thermo cyclers. For the very first time in Iran we initiated the calibration of various molecular instruments and gotreceieved all the certificates from the health ministry of Iran under my management.

My academic pursuits have not however, prevented me from participating with interest in various co-curricular activities such as organizing group sports. These activities have led to the development of a multifaceted personality and have equipped me with strong interpersonal skills.

My ultimate goal in my life is to make a commendable contribution to the science world by doing research which would change the dimensions of future understanding and the way we perceive the nature. My goal is to learn still further by pursuing a graduate degree and implementing thenew ideas as effectively as I can. I have a great confidence that I can have an excellent environment for enriching my knowledge (not sure what you mean here). I am confident that my academic records and practical knowledge combined with my eagerness to do research exhibit the perseverance and zeal required to pursue a Doctoral Degree in your reputed university.

I look forward to joining ... as a graduate student at your integrative and evolutionary biologyprogram. I have many ambitions for myself as I embark on this stage of my life. I believe that a graduate study will provide a milestone in my career along with learning invaluable experiences and skills that will allow me to become a successful, innovative professional and giving assistance to accomplish my goals.

Great detail and explainations, good luck.

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