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Dominica - Home country benefit (scholarship essay); a career in Food Chain Systems

lekisha 1 / 1  
Jan 8, 2018   #1

Dominica's agriculture

Historically, agriculture has been the cornerstone of Dominica's economy, based on an export sector dominated by Banana production. Over the years, the banana industry faced numerous challenges which led to significant decline in Banana production. Agriculture which accounted for 25% of gross domestic product (GDP) in 1990, decline to 10.45% in 2015. The agriculture sector remains undeveloped with limited institutional, technical and financial support. Therefore, this commonwealth scholarship will afford me an opportunity to become proficient and trained in my field to develop my nation by contributing to the agriculture sector.

Pursuing a career in Food Chain Systems can provide me with the opportunity to contribute to the process already started by the government of Dominica. In 2016 the government of Dominica opened two multi-purpose pack-houses as response to increasingly stringent quality of food safety requirements of all major markets and to boost fresh produce export from Dominica. Although done on a small scale, the export of fresh produce plays an important role in foreign exchange earnings. Consequently, these pack-houses are faced with many challenges that drastically hinder their viability, profitability, sustainability and ability to provide a service to both farmers and hucksters. The pack-houses toil with, limited technology, few markets, postharvest losses, poor produce quality, low production, limited training and inefficient management. Currently, government is advising more farmers to engage in crop production, hence creating a window for the involvement of postharvest and food chain supply. With changes in international policies and improving phytosanitary measures, extension officers are now advising farmers to ensure they adhere to market, export and consumer regulation policies.

One of the ways I believe some of these challenges can be alleviated, is through the adoption of alternative methods of handling and storage during the postharvest that protects the commodity, reduce losses and improve product presentation and acceptability.

Not only will I be able to provide postharvest related services to the government, I aim to collaborate with farmers to improve preharvest and postharvest of fresh produce to reduce losses. Additionally, train and educate persons involved in the agriculture and trade sector; conduct field research and experiments as problem solving tools and construct and revise effective policies to adhere to World's trading standards.

Within the first five years following this award, I hope to achieve one of the national development priority, which is to develop sustainable food systems in Dominica. The knowledge acquired from my studies will assist in the development of effective food policies that will improve the availability of nutritious food currently lacking in the diets of Dominicans.

Furthermore, I hope that the impact of my work be reflected through: an increase in GDP, improve in the standard of living of farmers and hucksters, abolish trading barriers through improvement in phytosanitary measures and food safety policies for exporting and an increase in the number of cottage industries in Dominica. Although resources are limited, with a small start I believe I can be a change agent in my country.

word limit 500
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Jan 9, 2018   #2
Lekisha, I am not sure what the prompt for this essay is so I will just assume that you have to write about how your course will benefit your home country. The presentation you have for your cause is good in this essay but could be made stronger if you reposition certain paragraphs in order to create a better focus for your discussion. I my opinion, the essay should be arranged in the following paragraph manner: 2,1,3,5,4,6. This creates a smoother presentation and connects the required information in a more cohesive manner thus allowing the essay to gain more coherency in the final presentation. If the only prompt for this essay is "How will this scholarship help you benefit your home country?" then, your response is appropriate, accurate, and only needs to be rearranged for a stronger presentation.
OP lekisha 1 / 1  
Jan 10, 2018   #3
Thanks much. Appreciate it. I Was really looking forward to some feed back

how the proposed study related to development need
how your plan of study of research relates to development ( currently working on plan of study)please say how on your return you will apply your qualification and skillswhat outcome I hope to achieve (national development priority or objective) and time frame of implementationsuggest how the impact of the potential benefits of your work might be measured and describe a typical potential beneficiary from the study/ research. Here are some of the guidelines.

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