Everyone has their own studying styles and preferences; one can stay on track individually, while other one prefers to cooperate in a group for achieving best results. One style is not necessarily better than the other, yet the student's preference determines which approach is more beneficial.As a student, I can concentrate on the concept of subject while I am studying alone, nevertheless the friends' assistance could be advantageous as well.
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Everyone has their own studying styles and preferences; one can stay on track individually, whileor one mayprefer to cooperate with a group for achieving best results. One style is not necessarily better than the other, yet the student's preference determines which approach is more beneficial.As a student, I can concentrate on the concepts of a subject while I am studying alone, nevertheless the assistance of friends could be advantageous as well.
It is considered that by studying individually , not only can you pace yourself, but you are also able to choose what to read; it means that the time, speed and material of studying are definitely up to you. The other point is concentration; you might get disturbed in a group while you can focus on any type of subject much better when you study on your own. In this way, neither you have to acclimatize yourself with others nor waste your time with stuff you have already know.
On the other side of the coin, the group study has some advantages that cannot be easily ignored. Speaking out loud in a group and trying to explain something you've already struggled with can reinforce your knowledge. The more you repeat, the further improvement is guaranteed on your retention. In a group, you could be either the motivated or the motivator; you will grow by helping others and sharing your knowledge.
After a consideration of each style in studying, I came to the conclusion that using both the mentioned approaches could be helpful, yet it seems that individual studying outweighs group onestudyfor the several advantages in many ways . Nonetheless, the way of study is poles apartvaries from person to person whereby how comfortable they are learning method.and how comfortable they are with a learning method .