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'the field of education as a preschool teacher'

laquino43 1 / 2  
Jan 18, 2012   #1
Lena Aquino's Request for Acceptance Essay
After dedicating five arduous yet rewarding years, I completed my Bachelors degree in Speech Pathology and had the privilege of working in the field as a speech assistant. During the three years I worked in my local school district as a speech assistant, I worked with three established Speech Pathologists. These Speech Pathologist shared their years of experience and passion for the field and provided me with real world experience to determine that speech pathology is my calling in life. The joy and satisfaction I felt the first time I was able to assist a student master a speech disorder will always be something that indicated to me my passions to help one communicate. It was my first year as a speech assistant and I was assisting a child named Jake with articulation problems. During the course of our first year working together we spent many dedicated hours striving to achieve one specific goal, which dealt with his ability to articulate the letter R in his speech. At first, his ability to articulate his R's was difficult but by the end of the first year and many hours of practice with pronunciation and learning tongue placement to articulate his R's Jake finally became a master at his own disorder. The time, patience, and love for another being to help inspire them to push forward and empower them to achieve their personal goals in communicative speech disorders fuels my passion to serve my community as a speech pathologist. Within this essay I will include my career goals and how a graduate program will help me meet those goals, I will provide my life and work experiences which relate to my interest and aptitude for the graduate program for which I am applying, and inform one of my intellectual capabilities to successfully complete the graduate program.

I started out in the field of education as a preschool teacher. Although, my career choices have stayed within the realm of education they have narrowed down to one area, Speech Pathology. I completed my Bachelors degree in Communicative Disorders from San Diego State University and knew I would need my Masters degree to work in the field as a speech pathologist. Other goals while attending school were to provide a stable environment for my two children and lead them by example showing them that an education can improve one's quality of life. I believe that serving those who suffer from speech disorders is my calling and as with any calling, it is the passion and desire within me that kept me focused on my studies to accomplish my bachelor's degree. It is with this same passion and desire that drives me forward to seek my graduate level program. Being accepted into a graduate program will not only help me attain the credentialing needed to work in the field, it will increase my knowledge in the area of speech pathology. After completing a graduate program my next goal will be to accept a position in my local school district as a Speech Pathologist, so that I may gain experience in my field and serve my community. However, my ultimate goal is to take my education and experience to serve my community in the private sector of business. A graduate program will provide the necessary education needed to accomplish these goals and fulfill the calling within me to achieve my passion to serve others. In addition, I am also willing to relocate to achieve my goals of becoming a speech pathologist.

Life and Work Experiences
The objective of any good Speech Pathologist is to see the client accomplish their speech goal. Working as a speech assistant I not only developed one to one relationships, I experienced the satisfaction of seeing my students be dismissed at the end of the school year accomplishing the goals that were set. My three years experience as a speech assistant will serve me well and should indicate that I am prepared to take that next step in fulfilling my calling by attending a graduate program. Not only did it provide practical knowledge, it increased my aptitude and interest for the area of speech pathology. The education I received at San Diego State University prepared me for my work at the school district. I learned the different speech needs for each of the students we saw weekly. Attending San Diego State University provided the groundwork for my education as well as some practical experience through their language lab. I had the opportunity to do some language tests like the Clinical Evaluation Language Fundamentals (CELF-4) on young children for research purposes and learn some data entry and phonetic transcription. Being educated in this area has made me realize that there is a need out there for Speech Pathologists and becoming a speech pathologist would be the perfect fit for my desire to assist others in communicating. Working with children has always been apart of my life and I have had the joy of teaching all ages over the years. I find it to be a very rewarding experience. My interest in speech pathology stems from that experience. In addition, attaining my bachelor's degree in communicative disorders and the time I spent as a speech assistant confirmed my desire to become a Speech Pathologist.

Intellectual Capabilities
I know that to succeed in any graduate program takes commitment, hard work, and the ability to apply what is learned into real world experiences. While attending San Diego State University full time I had to be organized and flexible to work, raise my two children and support myself while I achieved my goal with a bachelor's degree in communicative disorders. In addition, I utilized the school's programs and tools to help me succeed in all my classes. Further, the three years I worked within the field of speech as a speech assistant has instilled the drive and passion within me to fulfill my calling as a Speech Pathologist that will also assist me in completing my graduate program. While applying for my masters program for the last two years I have been required to take additional classes and re-take one class to meet criteria for entrance requirements. I had to re-take my first level phonetics class to improve my grade from a C to something higher. My initial grade in this class was out of character compared as to how well I achieved in all my other undergraduate course work. I am currently enrolled and re-taking this class in which I know I will do well. During this process, I have not only completed the necessary course work but also raised my grade point average from a 3.456 to a 3.750. I believe that my education, experiences, and my ability to be resilient displays my intellectual capabilities to successfully complete the program for which I am applying.

In conclusion, I included my career goals and how a graduate program will help me meet those goals, I provided my life and work experiences which relate to my interest and aptitude for the graduate program, and informed one of my intellectual capabilities to successfully complete the graduate program for which I am applying. It is with my deepest passion to fulfill my calling as a speech pathologist that I respectfully request acceptance into Longwood University's Speech and Communicative Disorders graduate program. I thank you for your consideration.

Lena Aquino
mimi305 1 / 11  
Jan 19, 2012   #2
It's quite long , there is no a limited number of words ?

my Bachelorsbachelor degree in Speech Pathology . andI had the privilege of working in the field as a speech assistant During the three years I worked as a speech assistantfor three years in my local school district . Fortunately I worked with three established Speech Pathologists who shared their years of experience and passion for the field and provided me with real world experience to determine that speech pathology is my calling in lifeproved to me that speech pathology is my only vocation in life ( a suggestion )
OP laquino43 1 / 2  
Jan 19, 2012   #3
The University for which I am applying requires a minimum of 500 words for the essay. I have read that they have negatively graded essays that provided answers that were to short but never for answers that were to long. So, with this in mind I wrote an essay that I felt provided enough description without going over a 1000 words. I appreciate your suggestions and will take them into consideration when finalizing my rough draft. I thank you for your time and input.

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