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Growing world population requires more food from agriculture, water, energy, goods - Engineering SOP

rtuladhar40 1 / -  
Sep 21, 2014   #1
In the early twentieth century, even in industrialized countries, production of the world's food supply required, as learned, the labour of at least half the population. A 40% projected increase in world population by 2030 AD will add 2 billion people to the planet. Growing world population requires more food from agriculture, water, energy, goods. Limited resources demand one should do more with less, without degrading our natural world.

Agriculture is the world's largest and most important industry. Engineering is the input that permits this industry to produce our most basic needs without requiring the efforts of the whole population. In Nepal, agriculture accounts for a significant portion of the state's economy.

During the 20th century, agricultural engineers have replaced human and animal drudgery with mechanical, hydraulic, electrical, and chemical technologies for producing, harvesting, storing, processing and distributing our basic food, feed, and fibre supplies. In the 21st century, agricultural engineers is conceived to add precision and "intelligence" to these technologies by combining sensors (including biosensors) with microcomputers, controllers, artificial intelligence and other software, GPS, vision systems, active control of micro- environments, etc, for optimized efficiency, sustainability, and reliability of our food, feed, and fibre economy while assuring the safety and health of workers, the public, and the environment.

Biological and Agricultural Engineering (BAE) provides solutions to problems in living systems. The goals are to improve efficiency, conserve natural resources, protect the environment, and in general to contribute to improving quality of life as impacted by biological and agricultural systems. Engineers in bio-resource systems help produce and process high-quality, safe food and fibre products. Although, Agricultural Engineering had a diverse educational background, usually focusing their expertise on one of the following speciality areas to interest individuals:

- Aquaculture.
- Biological Applications.
- Energy.
- Environmental Quality.
- Food and Food Processing.
- Forestry.
- Information and Electrical Technologies.
- Power and Machinery.
- Safety.
- Soil and Water Resources.
- Structures and Environment

However, Biological Application in Agricultural engineering works on issues dealing with cells in tissue culture, plant systems, humans, animals, or groups of animals. These engineers also work on design projects with biomaterials, biomechanics, biological systems modelling, implant design, and mass transfer in bio-environments. Needs in medicine, biomedical engineering, environmental engineering, natural resources, agriculture, and related areas are met by these engineers.

Further, working with systems involving all forms of energy, including electricity, gasoline, diesel fuel, hot water, and hot air is also part of agricultural engineering application. For example, design systems to efficiently pump water, heat homes, and power agricultural equipment. Study and test energy options that help maintain modern conveniences while reducing costs and the adverse effects on the environment is part of energy study.

Additionally, expertise is obtained in agricultural hydrology and hydraulic principles pertaining to drainage, erosion control, and irrigation in watershed management to understand the interactions that occur between human and natural processes needed to manage watersheds. Working with crop water requirements, seek ways to control soil erosion, and study the environmental effects of sediment on water quality is part process of soil and water recourse engineering application for Agriculture Engineers, to name a few.

Regardless of the specialty, I believe BAE students enjoy a distinct advantage when it comes to enter the workforce by being offered a unique and valuable educational experience. Their well-rounded engineering experiences enable students to function exceptionally well on the multidisciplinary teams in today's workforce. And only biological and agricultural engineers have the training and experience to understand the interrelationships between technology and living systems - talents needed to succeed in engineering positions today and in the future. For example, recognizing the rights of others and assuming leadership roles in employment, professional, and community activities; and assuming responsibility for the profession/careers by remaining abreast of technologies and tools of the engineering procession and of major contemporary issues, and understanding how the engineering profession relates to societal and ethical issues.

With this interest I am strongly motivated to broaden and deepen my knowledge by acquiring Masters Degree in Biological and Agricultural Engineering.
sa1na 9 / 72 19  
Sep 21, 2014   #2
energy, -and - goods

processing -,- and distributing our basic food

agricultural engineers is -are- conceived

intelligence -,- and other software

Although-however (maybe! what do you want to say here??) -, Agricultural Engineering had -has- a diverse educational background, usually focusing their expertise on one of the following speciality areas to interest individuals:

Study -ing- and test -ing- energy options

is part of energy study. -are parts-

seek ways to control soil erosion, and study the environmental effects of sediment on water quality is part process of soil and water recourse engineering application for Agriculture Engineers, to name a few. (you have error in parallelism here, the verbs' tenses are not alike) -seeking ways to control soil erosion, and studying the environmental effects of sediment on water quality are part of process-

enter -ing- the workforce by being offered

community activities;-,- and assuming responsibility for the profession/ (you cannot use semicolon here)

With this interest -,- I am strongly motivated to

Your errors were all tiny and immaterial, good job ;)

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