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Food Magazine Article; Describing the difficulties of feeding a growing world population.

Samilijah 3 / 4  
Aug 5, 2015   #1
Dear all ,

Your help is appreciated .

Food ! One of human beings favourite obsessions and vital basic need for survival. At first, everyone has an abundance to enjoy, but when time goes, people start to industrialise: building factories, houses, apartments, shops, etc. All of this requires land ! as a result, fewer land had been used for agriculture! To make matters worse, the population is rising quickly, which means food availability is the biggest hazard. By 2050, experts have estimated the global population to exceed by a million! By then, it would be hard to tackle the situation.

Yet, people in wealthier countries have done nothing. Citizens in the rich north have a tendency to waste food! How ridiculous! Food that are unfinished or even still good has to be thrown away. But these people are questioned:

" It is not in good quality! "
"It is too much! "
" It is tasteless! "

These are the most common answers given. People take things for granted, they are selfish. For example, you can often see people in buffet restaurants placing food in their plates which would be as tall as them! In the end, when they cannot finish it, the garbage bins outside would be filled with those foods!

Change ! Improve your habits! Eat Less! Eating lesser or just at suitable amounts can bring one many beneficial means. One can have a healthier lifestyle, one can save money of buying food. It's like killing two birds with one stone. Beneficial !

"What can be done ?" you may ask.

Simple! Start from yourselves, share food with those who doesn't have enough, this can bring hope to these people, a packet of fried noodles doesn't cost much! Does it? Restaurants can also play their part in sharing leftovers which are still edible to the homeless, poor, the disabled, this is also the case with buffet restaurants! Finally, the government can send dry food items such as rice, canned food to people in rural areas. For example Africa.

Be the Change ! Make the world a better place!
ChristineB - / 98 55  
Aug 6, 2015   #2
Hello! I'll help with your grammar.


One of human beings favourite obsessions and vital basic need for survival.

This is not a sentence. You need a verb to make it a sentence. Also, "beings" needs an apostrophe since it's possessive.

"Vital basic need" is wordy. Let me show you how to improve the style here:

One of human beings' favourite obsessions is food,something we not only love, but alsoand vital basic need for survival.


At first, everyone has an abundance to enjoy, but when time goes, people start to industrialise: building factories, houses, apartments, shops, etc. All of this requires land ! as a result, fewer land had been used for agriculture!

I think the ideas in these two sentences should be combined into one sentence to clarify your meaning. Also, I think you rely on exclamation points too much. People will not take you seriously if you use so many exclamation points. Here's how I would write this:

When societies began to industrialize by developing factories, houses, apartments, and shops, it reduces the amount of land available for agriculture; this means that there is less food production, a potentially serious problem.


To make matters worse, the population is rising quickly, which means food availability is the biggest hazard.

To make matters worse, the population is rising quickly ;, which means foodthis also negatively affects food availability is the biggest hazard .


By 2050, experts have estimated the global population to exceed by a million!

By 2050, expertsExperts have estimated that the global population towill exceed by a million !by 2050.

You typed "million," but that is too small. Check your sources. Do you mean a billion?


I hope that has helped some :)
OP Samilijah 3 / 4  
Aug 7, 2015   #3
Thank you very much ! XD
i mean billion by the way ... THanks again

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