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I have been motivated to focus on education field since I was in junior high school; SOP for Master

PJmustbebetter 6 / 8  
Nov 29, 2016   #1
My name is P. I am 26 years old at the moment. I was student of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of X University, majoring Mathematics Education. I graduated in October, 2014 by finishing all subjects' courses with the GPA 3.29/4.00.

I have been motivated to focus on education field since I was in junior high school in my hometown, Palu, Central Sulawesi. It is because people in there still come up with the wrong end of the stick about education for children inasmuch as many of them do not have motivation to encourage their children to continue education in higher level. Thus, many children and youngsters do not get proper education. This is the reason why after graduated from senior high school, I decided to continue my study in higher education level at X University, which is one of universities whereby focus on educating people who want to become a teacher, with the aim of learning about education field in depth and showing people in there that there are enormous benefits if their children can continue to study in higher level.

As a prospective teacher, I have a significant responsibility to bring a positive effect in education field in my country, and I strongly believe that to realize it, I have to master not only education discipline but also enormous soft skills with the aim of encouraging me in learning and teaching process. This was the reason why I joined some student organizations when I was a student in university such as Association of Educational Gamers in Palu. We created many educational games for learning which based on Role Playing Game (RPG), for example; "The Adventure of Imran in Finding a Circle formula", and "Adventure of Yojo - GESERJO which contains education and Culture of Central Sulawesi. In this organization, it brought me successfully to be a Speaker in International Conference at King's College London, University of London, UK on November 2013.

Apart from being involved in academic and social activities in campus and my area, I realized that to become a high quality teacher, I should learn more and more about education inasmuch as one of the predominant factors to advance education quality in my country is high quality of teachers. It is because teachers play significant role to teach future generations of a country to become educated people. The more number of educated people in a country is, the better a country will advance.

By completing my master degree in STEM program especially mathematics education at the Ohio State University, it will surely provide me an opportunity of learning ethics, policy, planning, curriculum, evaluation and comparative research in education that will give me excellent grounding in the study of Education discipline. Pursuing master at your University would be such an invaluable experience since I would be able to advance my knowledge to become a high quality teacher as I can learn enormous educational method from different countries.

EditorPal - / 19  
Nov 29, 2016   #2
Could you please provide the prompt?
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15186  
Nov 30, 2016   #3
Pujiati, while I agree that providing us with the specific prompt requirements will help us analyze your SOP better, there are some standard features in an SOP that we can already advise you on in order to help you better improve the content of your essay. Let's start with the opening statement.

As a masters degree applicant, you simply have to sum up your major, the university you attended and your year of graduation. You do not need to mention your GPA as your transcript of records will already tell the reviewer that information. A SOP should never duplicate the information that you may have already submitted in your other application essays. Reviewers don't like redundancies. So focus instead on how your career has gone since your college graduation.

The focus of your SOP should be on the shortcomings that you feel you have while practicing your trade. These are the reasons for your interest in an MS course and will help create the purpose for your application. What I am not clear about in your essay is if you have any work experience as a teacher that you can refer to in relation to your career progression explanation. It seems that you are not working as a teacher at the moment. Is that so?

I'll hold off on additional advice for you since it would be best to wait for the actual prompt in order to better align your content with the prompt requirements. The current advice I have given you are general in coverage and will apply to your essay regardless of the prompt.

Home / Graduate / I have been motivated to focus on education field since I was in junior high school; SOP for Master
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