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Personal Statement - Operations Research & Analytics/Business Analytics for university in the UK

nbasuns13 1 / -  
Mar 26, 2017   #1
Hi guys I am applying to a graduate programme in Operations Research & Analytics or Business Analytics in the UK. It would be much appreciated to have some feedback on my personal statement. Thanks in advance!

My aspiration to study a master degree in Operations Research & Analytics first arise when I was interning at a property development firm in Taiwan. As an Economics student in the university, I tried to keep up to date on the news. One topic I was particularly intrigued from was big data analytics. More specifically the way it has been widely utilised in many different sectors. I wanted to use the opportunity to get a sense of how big data analytics is applied in real-life. Much to my surprise, there was little evidence of the company adapting to the technology despite its distinct advantages.

One problem that struck me the most was the inefficiency of the estate agents. Without a client, many of them were left idle at the company. This issue is especially severe in the economic downturn of the market. I realised the use of big data could be a potential solution. With the help of data analytics, buyers and sellers could be matched more quickly and frequently. In other words, the company would become more efficient. I believe this is a potential market in Taiwan I could exploit in as the use of data analytics in sectors such as real estate it's still in its early stages. To do so, I will need to acquire knowledge regarding data collecting, analytics and modelling. Therefore, I would like to study this programme at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

My studies up to date have prepared me for this programme and the career afterwards. An A* and A in mathematics and economics respectively at A-level equipped me with the fundamental understanding of the economy and mathematical skills. An Economics degree at the University of Bristol strengthened my analytical skills and trained me to work comfortably with numbers. In preparation for the master degree, I decided to take units in management science and advanced management science. These units offer the theoretical and practical aspects of operations research. Having achieved a first in advanced management science, I mastered techniques including certain multi-criteria decision making; decision analysis involving Bayesian methods; and more advanced mathematical programming techniques such as Data Envelopment Analysis. On the practical side, I completed two computer-based projects which included the use of simulation software such as Vensim and Simul8. I can now comfortably run system dynamic and discrete event simulation on different software for policy analysis. I believe these two units serve as an excellent ground for a master degree in operations research at the postgraduate level. Particularly in units like Fundamentals and Modelling in Operations Research where some of the contents overlap.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time studying management science. They reinforced my will to study a master degree in Operations research and analytics. Furthermore, I believe an average of a first class in the first half of my final year's modules can demonstrate my academic ability to study this course. Other than the compulsory modules which I believe I will excel in. I most look forward to taking Auction and Game theory unit as Advanced Microeconomics was another unit I enjoyed and perform excellently in Bristol.

My internship experience in the wealth management department at XXX in Taiwan provided me with an insight of how data analytics is applied in the financial institution. It further stimulated my interest in data mining and analytics. My primary role during the internship involved collecting data on different assets from Bloomberg. I was fascinated by the vast amount of the data and was intrigued by how they analyse and use it to create financial products. They also collect client data to form a better relationship and identify potential customers. On top of that, I also attended numbers of insurance lectures, where the speakers emphasised the importance of the use of data when predicting the risk of the clients. This internship further confirmed my will to pursue a degree and career in operations research and analytics. Overall improved my communication and interpersonal skills. Furthermore, as a member of the basketball first team in the university, I learned the importance of teamwork and commitment. I've also improved my time management skills throughout my studies.

I believe MSc in Operations research and analytics at LSE is perfect for me because it does not limit my career perspective in data analytics. Other than how to analyse and get a sense from the data, I would also like to learn how to use analytical methods to make better decisions for the business. This is because I would like to start my company in the future and the flexibility of this programme allows me to gather knowledge required to do so. The programme offers both practical and theoretical sides of the subject which allow me to understand the nature of the problem and use models to solve it. Another reason this programme appeals to me is the opportunity to undertake a project. Unlike the traditional dissertation, this project offers the chance to explore the subject in a consultancy role and will provide a much-needed experience for my career. Having done some research on the analytics side of the course, I now have a fundamental understanding of descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics. I look forward to gaining a deeper understanding of the subject at LSE. Furthermore, LSE and the Department of Mathematics has a high reputation internationally. Other than the top quality of teaching, it offers the unique opportunity to network with intelligent people around the world. Finally, I would like to continue playing basketball for the University. I look forward to helping the university to outshine their competitors both academically and athletically.

I would like to have expanded my network when I complete the course. I wish to make new friends with students and professionals whom I can learn from and work with in the future. I would like to start my career as a business analytics consultant in an investment bank or consultancy to enhance my ability. Ultimately, I would like to start my company which uses big data analytics to develop strategic insights for consulting firms or companies including those in the real estate sector. I believe these are achievable given my competitive nature and desire to accomplish. The experiences and skills I gained from extra curriculum activities would make my application stand out. I will be extra motivated as I have a clear goal in mind. Moreover, I believe a master degree in Operations Research and Analytics is a stepping stone to the career I desire. With the help of LSE, I know I will be able to succeed.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Mar 26, 2017   #2
Hao, you must skip the presentation of paragraph 3-6 in this essay because that information is not required in a personal statement. Transfer that information to your statement of purpose instead. This particular essay should only showcase the development of your interest in business analytics and nothing more. You will better establish that by not confusing the presentation with the inclusion of your academic background. With the removal of those paragraphs, you should replace the information with a discussion regarding the university and why you chose to attend there. Include reasons such as any potential internship programs they have, maybe there is a research lab that you can use to better familiarize yourself with the various aspects of big data collection, or, there is a student networking program that can help you develop professional contacts. Present a balanced academic, and social consideration when it came to choosing the university. Say some things about the university that will show your excitement about attending the upcoming semester there. Make sure that you portray the image of a student who has done his homework in terms of university choices so that your decision will seem like the best one that you could have made for your academic career.

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