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Why I wish to study in Canada and what is my educational goal? Master of Global Management program

sultanarafin 1 / 4  
May 29, 2018   #1

Study plan for Canadian Study Permit

I am going to apply for my study permit and visa soon and I need to submit my study plan to Canadian visa office. I will be glad if anyone suggests and corrects my mistakes as getting my visa is relying on this. Thanks in advance.

Q/1: Why do you wish to study in Canada in the program for which you have been accepted?

The Master of Global Management program of XXX University, Victoria, BC is one of the diverse programs for business students and this program helps the students to learn the global marketplace and how to blend in it. I am glad that the university authority has considered my application and given me the chance to learn more about the global market and improve my skills and tactics. Communicating effectively, thinking critically, solving problems, working with others, innovating and thinking globally are the outcomes of this program which influenced me to apply in the first place. Not only that but also the integrated holistic learning experience that transcends the boundary of culture and classroom also encouraged me to enrol myself in that program. On the other hand, this is one of the best career-oriented programs I heard about which not only teaches all the business activities but also makes skilled and work-ready manager and leader.

Q/2: What is your overall educational goal?

To date, I have completed my Bachelor's of business studies degree with a CGPA of 3.35. After completion of my bachelor's degree, I have worked as a store manager for two consecutive years in our family business. Working as a store manager was a good idea for gathering experiences but was not good enough for my career goal. To pursue my career goal of becoming a teacher I worked for a non-profitable organization as a teacher for 14 months just to gather some experiences and learn the techniques of teaching. Teaching is a very interesting field; I have the privilege to impart knowledge, see students succeed (in both business and school environments), and have been exposed to various behavioural attitudes of individuals. Teaching has been a great source of happiness to me. Master of Global Management is a program which is going to help me learn not only the business functions but also the global marketplace. By combining both of my undergraduate degree in business studies and the Master of Global Management degree, I will be able to teach effectively and efficiently to the students in future. To achieve my career goal I will take further training and courses regarding teaching profession. I have a plan to take the courses from the Teachers Training Institute of Bangladesh. My undergraduate degree and the Master of Global Management degree can seal my position as a teacher for a school or college but my ultimate career goal is to become a teacher of a university. That's why my ultimate educational goal is to earn a PhD as academic achievement and also try my hand at doing research regularly to become updated in my field.

aitruong 1 / 2  
May 30, 2018   #2
"see students succeed " =>> see students ' success
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15208  
May 30, 2018   #3
Sultan, for question number one, the response you gave sounds more to me like you just read the brochure and your acceptance letter and then formulated your response. Your answer is very generic and not really specific in terms of the reasons why you chose to study in Canada and this university. This question has a 2 pronged response. The first is why you chose to study in Canada, based on the professional goals that you have. The explanation to that should tie in with your desire to gain work experience in a global conglomerate or any sort of experience that will help you gain hands on skill that can be used for knowledge transfer once you return to your home country. Foe the educational aspect, one factor that always catches the eye of the reviewer is when the student can prove that there is Canadian influence in the business sector that he works in within his home country. So, if you are working for a Canadian based company or, if your company has Canadian partners, that line of reasoning will be highly effective in explaining why you chose to study in a Canadian school. Then you can relate the specific programs in the course that is of definite use in your line of work and why these will be useful to your as a professional upon graduation. By using the 2 prong approach in explaining your study in Canada reasons, you will be able to better highlight your already existing skills and work relationships that can deed the interest of the reviewer when considering your application.

Your response to the second question is too expansive. Too much information that no longer relates to the question being asked. There is no need to give a run down of your previous educational experience nor do you need to go to so far as to explain your PhD goals. The overall educational goals should be connected only to the educational goals that connect with the course you will be studying at the university. When they ask about the educational goal, they are actually requiring you to present a career plan covering about 6 months to 5 years. This is the period of time when the masters degree education you received will still be relevant to your profession. After 5 years, the PhD will already be required for your next phase of career progression. At that stage, your MS will not be as applicable as you think anymore. You can start your revised response to this section at the point where you said:

Master of Global Management is a program which is going to help me learn not only the business functions but also the global marketplace

Then you can proceed to discuss how you see some specific training that you will be receiving from the university in achieving that. For example, exchange programs, internships, study grants, these all add up to the educational goal that you have in mind. You speak of world class training and facilities, so the educational goal should represent how you plan to use those course trainings and practical experience to achieve your educational goal. Think of your educational objective and work your essay around the development of that idea on your part. Close it with a statement that includes your desire to achieve a PhD in a few years.
OP sultanarafin 1 / 4  
May 31, 2018   #4
Thank you very much,Mary. Your advice is correct and to the point. Right now I am facing another problem. I posted this application here with the response to 5 questions but after a day I saw that only 2 questions are published. Can you tell me why and can you tell me how should I post my other 3 questions answer?
OP sultanarafin 1 / 4  
Jun 1, 2018   #5
Thanks for describing everything. I have a correction for my question 1. I just added some more sentences below that answer. Would you please check that?

Please make it Urgent for a new review, thank you!


The Master of Global Management program [...] work-ready manager and leader. Bangladesh has a high demand for the people who hold an international degree. Also, the Canadian degrees are well appreciated in here. My chances of getting a job as a teacher or as a manager will be easier if I can manage to have this degree. The course outline is way better than Master of Business Administration that we have in Bangladesh and having this degree is going to be a crucial step for me and my career opportunities in Bangladesh. This degree will keep me one step ahead of the other competitors of Bangladesh.

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