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Posts by puroodsy
Joined: May 18, 2010
Last Post: May 27, 2010
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May 18, 2010
Writing Feedback / SAT: even though having a good leader is important, we should not blindly follow his decision [5]

This is my SAT practice essay, I would love to have some advice or suggestions on how to improve it. Thanks in advance!

Topic: Is it important to question the ideas and decisions of those in positions of authority?

For the society to function without chaos, a good leader to guide the rest in the correct direction to achieve the common goal is essential. However, when ideas and decisions of these people in positions of authority are misguided, blindly following these leaders would be severely injurious to the future of the society. It is thus important to question the ideas and decisions of those in positions of authority, as meek obedience can engender catastrophic consequences as seen from China's famine under Mao Zedong, German students' prejudice against the Jews due to the biased teaching of German teachers during Nazi and the grand Ponzi scheme of Bernie Madoff.

Mao Zedong might be a hero in China's history, but his actions that devastated the country's economy and led to the catastrophic famine in 1960s should never have been absolved. Mao embarked on a grand scheme called 'The Great Leap Forward' in which the whole population was relocated to the countryside, to live in communes and produce steel from rudimentary tools. His hope to industrialise the country was crushed as the plan failed at the expense of Chinese citizens. Thousands of tonnes of steel were wasted as it was not qualified to be used in any industry. Focusing on producing steel led to a severe shortage of food, which killed millions of people just within five years. Granted that Mao had the supreme power in China at that time, had anybody dared to speak up and question Mao's decision, perhaps such tragedy would not have happened.

The German teachers during the Nazi period were also the epitome of how people in positions of authority could be mistaken. These teachers played an essential role in shaping the mindset of young German. However, what the teachers passed down to the students were nothing but hatred and prejudice against the Jews. They led the students to believe that the Jews were inferior and that they did not deserve to exist. These prejudiced teachers had nurtured generations of xenophobic Germans who enlisted or took part in condemning the existence of the Jews in one way or another when they grew up. If the teachings of these teachers had been questioned, there would have been considerably less unfounded hatred towards to Jews.

Lastly, the grand Ponzi scheme caused by Bernie Madoff serves as a painful reminder for us that blindly following a leader without questioning his belief and actions would engender severe consequences. Madoff was the CEO of a stock-market company and the senior financial advisor of many companies; his voice was highly trusted. This allowed him to make profits for himself from the gargantuan amount of investment and lose all of it, causing millions of Americans become broke and out of jobs after just one night. The financial crisis was so severe that even other economies in the world also collapsed, like a Domino effect. Had Madoff's unscrupulous actions been questioned sooner, such debilitating situations could have been avoided.

Overall, a careful analysis of all the above cases shows us that even though having a good leader is important, we should not blindly follow his decision. Questioning their ideas and decisions is a good way to make sure that our leaders are on the right track. After all, we would thrive if we heed the wise words of a capable and morally upright leader, and questioning the leaders' ideas and decisions helps us decide whether our leaders are the ones we need.
May 20, 2010
Writing Feedback / People are moving in to the big cities for more comfortable and convenient life [10]

Hi, overall I think the ideas are quite good. There are just a few awkward sentences, which I attempt to change around a bit below. Overall, good job!

Also, to make your essay stronger, you may consider writing about other points like better education, transportation and healthcare facilities, which make a higher standard of living. Best of luck!
May 20, 2010
Writing Feedback / Should crimes committed many years ago be forgotten? - Essay writing advice [7]


I think you wrote a very impressive essay! The command of language is good, and the use of examples is very relevant to the question.

Just a few things you may want to take note of:

It is therefore not surprising that some people feel that crimes committed in the past should not be forgotten, particularly when the criminal has not been trialed, as this would undermine the severity of the criminal's wrongdoings.

trialed--> trialled (spelling)
Instead of 'undermine' I would use something like 'underestimate', cos undermine means weaken.

For criminals who have already been trialed, and have served or are currently serving their sentences, many are still unwilling to forget, or even pardon them.

You may want to make it clearer, "many" as in who? the victims or the general public?

Although a criminal may not be able to undo what he has done, but a magnanimity to be able to accept this unchangeable fact and provide him with a new lease of life will surely make the world a better place.

Perhaps you can elaborate your examples in more details to support your point (ie: the grudge of the Chinese against the Japanese is outdated as China and Japan are important trade partners now; their past as enemy does not have much influence on their relationship now.) Overall, I think your essay is a joy to read. Great job!
May 20, 2010
Writing Feedback / SAT essay: Is censorship sometimes justifiable? [10]


This is another SAT practice essay from me. I personally feel that the third point is not really strong. Can you give me some suggestions, about my command of language, as well as content? Thank you so much!

Topic: Is censorship sometimes justifiable?

According to the United Nation, human rights include freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Based on this definition, many people believe that censorship is a flagrant infringement on human rights, and thus it should not be tolerated. However, I believe that censorship can be justified. Through a discussion of censorship of history textbooks in Japan, censorship against racism in Singapore and move ratings, this essay seeks to show the benefits of censorship to the community.

The censorship of Japan's war crimes in Japan's history textbooks shows us that censorship is necessary to preserve national pride. In all history textbooks used in Japan, atrocious war crimes such as their cruelties in World War II, most notably the systemised raping and pillage of Japanese soldiers in the rape of Nanking, China, are only briefly mentioned as parts of the wars, all the grotesque details prohibited. Though China accuses Japan of distorting history, this is necessary to maintain the national pride in Japanese students, especially for those younger students whose opinions and impressions of the country are still in the shaping. Therefore, the censorship can be justified if it is used wisely for the good of the nation.

Censorship is also justified in Singapore to ensure social cohesion and racial harmony. In a multi-racial country like Singapore, a caustic racist remark can trigger conflict that threatens the social cohesion that took Singapore decades to cultivate. As such, the Media Development Authority (MDA) prohibits the use of derogatory language or insensitive remarks against any races in any form of media, be it printed media like newspapers or the new media- the Internet. This ensures the mutual respect between different races, and thus protects social cohesion in a fragile society like Singapore. Therefore, in cases like this, censorship should be justified.

The movie ratings system is the most common type of censorship, and it is reasonable as it protects the minds of the young against violence and sexually explicit materials shown in movies. Massive research done on movies containing violence, foul language and sexually explicit materials has shown that exposure to such materials at a young age can lead to psychological instability for viewers and make them more prone to committing juvenile delinquency. As such, the movies are often rated from Parental Guidance to NC17, M18 and in some countries R21, to protect viewers from viewing dangerous materials unsuitable for their age. The movie ratings system thus is a necessary form of censorship to bar the young from being exposed to harmful materials through movies.

Overall, censorship is justified in many cases, as it seeks to maintain social stability, racial harmony and to protect the young minds from dangerous materials in movies. However, once misused, censorship can violate human rights principles of freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Due to the complexity of censorship, the government needs to be prudent in using censorship to the best interest of the society.
May 20, 2010
Writing Feedback / SAT essay: Is censorship sometimes justifiable? [10]

Thank you for your feedback! I agree that showing both sides gives a more balanced point of view, but I was advised not to do so in SAT essays given the time constraints. Anybody knows whether this is a correct way to write for SAT?
May 21, 2010
Writing Feedback / SAT essay: Is censorship sometimes justifiable? [10]

Haha yep, I suppose I'm not on the side of Japan in this matter. But if I highlight the Japanese perspective in the first paragraph, would the argument stand? Or do you suggest any other points I should consider? Honestly censorship and media-related things are not my forte -.-

Thank you so much!
May 23, 2010
Graduate / SOP for Master in Computer Science and Information Technology [4]

Hi, I have a few suggestions for you:

I have looked at it as just a machine that can help me type and organize documents.

Since you are using past tense in the first paragraph, I think it may help if you change 'have looked' to 'used to look'

However, my understanding of the computer has changed completely when I was 16 years old.

when--> since

In 2003, I was chosen as a gifted student among 60 others in [CITY] region, [COUNTRY]. I was nominated to finish the enrichment program in the field of computer science and information technology.

I think you should combine these two sentences to improve the coherence, because usually it is 'chosen to do something'. I was thinking, maybe you can change to something like this: "In 2003, I was chosen, together with 60 other gifted students, to finish..."

The 2 months program was focused on developing the students' abilities in computer science, thinking skills, and research skills. During which, I developed, for the first time in my life, a library management software.

I joined the college of computer science and information technology in [XXX] University in [CITY], [COUNTRY]. I earned my bachelor's degree with a major in information technology. During that time, I enjoyed learning about: Artificial Intelligence, Web Applications, Operating Systems, Computer Security, and Data Structures. All of which helped me in building my fundamentals in the computer science field.

I think that in these two cases it would be better if you join all the sentences together. The new sentence will be quite long, but it sounds less abruptly cut off.

This project helped me develop my abilities in working with networks and databases and programming for mobile devices.

Change and to a comma, don't have two 'and' consecutively

Since I came here, I was enthusiastic about earning my master's degree in the States and learn more about my field.

was--> has been?

I thought I might go back to my country with a higher degree and I will have more career options.

I would change to something like this: When I go back to my country, a higher degree will give me more options to pursue my career.

I met with a number of employees from the computer science department and the international office. They were very friendly and helpful.

You may want to link these two sentences with "... office, who were..."

Overall, I think you essay is an interesting read, especially the part about your project. However, I think you can elaborate more on the difficulties you have in your career choice and why was that so (perhaps because of your country?). Other than that, good work!
May 23, 2010
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 2 : Study abroad (advantages and disadvantages) [3]


I noted down some grammatical problems that you may want to change:

It is an irresistible trend that nowadays, co-operation between eastern countries and western countries is becoming stronger and stronger, creating hundreds of studying abroad opportunity to eastern students.

I don't really see how the first part of the sentence can link with the second part. Anyway, to make the sentence more succinct you can just shorten it by saying "stronger cooperation between... creates ..."

Instead of enjoying the comfort of living in their house, many courageous students decide to study in different foreign countries where they have to organize their lives independently, for instance, cooking on their own or working hard for single pennies.

I think you can just say foreign countries to avoid redundancy

Accordingly, students will be equipped with many valuable qualities such as independence, initiative and especially adaptation, which would be perfectly vital for overcoming numerous challenges in their lives.

You may want to change 'accordingly' to another linking word like 'As such', because 'accordingly' means something like 'in a suitable way'.

for overcoming--> to overcome

The main drawback of it is, in my opinion, it imposes financial burden on students's families.

Overall, I think your essay is quite interesting. Do proofread after writing to avoid grammatical mistakes though, and you will be fine :) All the best!
May 25, 2010
Writing Feedback / Students should be required to attend classes; may need explanations of teachers [5]


I think you should try to proofread your essay more carefully to avoid grammatical, spelling mistakes, and some awkward phrasing. Below are a few mistakes I found from your essay.

Although I admit that the students can obtain knowledge or information forfrom books,

I would argue that when they are in classes, the teachers who have good experience can give the students several examples in order to help the students understand deeply about lessons.

The 2 clauses of this sentence don't really go together. How about changing to something like: experienced teachers in class can clarify the students' doubts and help them understand the lessons better with relevant examples.

For instance, without help of the teachers,

different students may figure out different ways about the same theory in a book. Therefore, in some cases, students need explanations of teachers.

This point I think you need to develop better. Figuring out different ways to understand a theory is not necessarily a bad thing; it actually encourages independent and critical theory. Thus I don't really see the link between these 2 sentences.

The communication skill ishelps students not only in theirstudying period (a bit awkward, you can change to school days or something else?), but also in their future career.

Hope this helps. All the best for your exam!
May 25, 2010
Writing Feedback / SAT Essay: Are our decisions always limited by the rules of society? [3]

Hi, this is another SAT practice essay from me. Comments are greatly appreciated!

Prompt:Are we free to make our own choices in life, or are our decisions always limited by the rules of society?

Being free to make our own decisions in life has always been the dream of many people, but in the real world this dream is unequivocally chimerical. We are well aware of the restriction of the society has on our decisions. Both the set of written rules, such as the Intellectual Property Rights Law (2007) in the law of China, and the set of unwritten social code of conduct, as demonstrated in the novel "Lady of the Camellias" by Alexandre Dumas, show that societal restrictions on our decisions are inevitable; however, sometimes these restrictions are beneficial for the society at large.

China's newly enforced IPR Law is an epitome of how people are subjected to a set of written rules. Before this law was enforced in 2007, piracy was rampant across China. People feel incentivised to practise piracy because it brings about easy money. Multinational businesses however find this offense very serious as it caused the loss of profits in many firms; thus many firms have contemplated shifting out of China. However, after the law was passed, together with strict enforcement of the law, the number of IPR violation cases every year dropped to half. As people are banned from practising piracy, they are forced to a more honest way of doing business, which is a good thing for the community. At the same time, multinational businesses are happier with China, thus their investment in China would be more assured. Clearly, this example shows that people have to abide by the rule of society, and this restriction from committing economic crime in China has done the society good.

People's decisions are also restricted by the unwritten code of conduct of the society. This idea is clearly portrayed in the novel "Lady of the Camellias" by Alexandre Dumas. The female protagonist of the novel is Margueritte, a courtesan who goes against the societal norm for ladies to be meek and abide by arranged marriage. She chooses to love Armand, a poor young man who love her passionately, which is also unorthodox for a courtesan, as a courtesan usually would go for the richest. Despite her free spirit, Margueritte has to leave Armand, on the request of Armand's father, so as not to taint the reputation of Armand's family and allow Armand's sister to be married in a good family, as it is widely acknowledged that a relationship with a courtesan is an infamous act, blemishing the future of not only the man but also his family. Even the freest spirit of Margueritte has to comply with the unwritten code of the French society. This novel thus shows the vulnerability of people against the rules of society, even the freest is not free to choose their course of life.

Overall, the analysis of both the written rules of laws and the unwritten rules of society has shown that people can do nothing but to comply with such rules of society. Though sometimes such rules bring about a better prospect to the society, more often than not such restrictions infringe on personal freedom and make life less ideal. And yet, there is nothing we can do to resist such rules. People are helpless against the rules of society.
May 27, 2010
Writing Feedback / Has the Chinese government changed after the Tiananmen Square Massacre? [2]


I think you need to proofread your essay better. There are quite a few grammatical errors, some of which I noted below:

On June 4th 1989, about 2000 civilians are[change to past tense!] killed in the Tiananmen Square. The reason behind this is becausewas that protestors wanted more rights. A silent protesting action because a massacre after the government gave their last warning.[I don't understand this sentence] China had changed a lot ...

The protesting actionprotest started on April 15th, it'sit was after the death of Mr. Yaobang Hu. Yaobang Hu is[past tense since Hu died!] one of the famous leaders that ...

... they said that if the protestors do[past tense] not move out of (...) continue to protest, they will[past tense] attack the people.

They need to stop this before more people joins and more people getting injured [past tense!] . The protestors were students, they are not going to attack the military or start a revolution, all they want is to show the government that they want democracy [past tense!] .

These bullets expand or explode after they entered someone's body[past tense!] .
All the military want was to get the people out of the Tiananmen Square [past tense!] ; they could use ...

... in an incident on June 5th, 1989, heWHO IS HE?!? is the tank man, whose eagerness ...

... because they knew that the tanks will kill them after what happened on June 4th[past tense!] .

In China, about 80% of the officers are corruptedIt's CORRUPT. You only use corrupted for computer files because if one doesn't corrupt ...
He/she has to be corrupted in order to have the money to corruptI think you meant bribe people who have a higher rank.

There are many awkward expressions that can be corrected, but I didn't really have the time to do it. I think you should really proofread your essay before submission to your teachers, or even before posting in the forum; otherwise the quality of your essay writing skill can't improve.

Anyway, I'm particularly interested in China's affairs, so I have a few content comments for you. The question comes in 2 parts: 1. Has the Chinese government changed after the Tiananmen Square Massacre? and 2. did democracy arrive in China? In my opinion, you don't really need to describe Tiananmen Massacre in so great details, it costs you time and word count. If I were you, I would write this essay like this:

1. Has the Chinese government changed?
- What was it like before? (Oppressive, Corrupt, Power concentrated in a few leaders, People's Liberation Army PLA heavily controlled by China's Communist Party CCP and many other issues)

- What is it like now?
+ Still corrupt, still oppressive (this part you covered)
+ However there is a reform in the political structure which benefits the citizens (CCP and China's State attempt to separate from each other, PLA nationalised to defend the people instead of CCP, institutionalisation, improvement in judiciary system to ensure fairness). It is true that such reforms have yet to show much progress, but you cannot ignore China's efforts to change.

2. Democracy?
+ CCP is the leading party--> impossible for democracy to come in in the near future
+ However, signs of democracy are shown through village elections (taken place in more than 80% of villages in China, extending to urban areas like Shanghai in 2007). Though citizens only get to vote for the grassroot officials, this movement is the harbinger of democracy.

Basically, always look at 2 points of view to ensure that the essay is balanced. Best of luck for your essay!
May 27, 2010
Writing Feedback / Why We Crave Horror Movies [3]


I noted down a few errors. Hope it helps!

In the movie "Why We Crave Horror Movies," author Stephan King tells usabout why we love violence so much and how we are a little bit insane

Another reason thatwhy I also agree with [What do you agree with?] is that we want to test our fears.

The last reason why I agree with Stephan King is, "we go to have fun" (2).

I really like your conclusion. You really put your personal thoughts into it, which is great. However, you can further strengthen your essay by using more concrete, real life examples. The elaboration of your points is usually very vague and is made up of some hypotheses, for example,

For instance, we go to see horror movies to prove that we are not afraid or maybe we go to see horror movies because we fantasize doing something like that in the real world

which can easily be deemed as assumptions by strict markers. So read up on the subject, and your essay will become more powerful. All the best!
May 27, 2010
Writing Feedback / Healthy life style [4]


I noted a few errors below. Hope this helps!

People live under the pressure of various problems social, ecological, economical and others.

People live under the pressure of various social, ecological, economic problems.

I don't mind national kitchen when I go to this or that country.

I don't really understand this sentence. Are you saying that you don't mind different kinds of food?

I'm not sure exactly what your essay prompt is, but perhaps to improve your essay you can reorganise it according to points. You have sports and food, which are great. However, your point about sports follows the elaboration of pollution, thus making the paragraph disconnected. If you can neaten the essay by putting different ideas in different paragraph, it would be easier for readers to read and appreciate your essay.

All the best for this essay!
May 27, 2010
Research Papers / Project on sex trafficking - starting the first Line of an essay [6]

Usually, for such kind of paper, I would start by giving an overview- writing about the current situation. Since you already have the information on the topic, it wouldn't be too hard to pick out some shocking statistics to grab the attention of readers. After that, carry on by stating the arguments you are trying to raise, or clarifications that you wish to make in the paper. The essay will flow by itself after that. :)

Hope it helps! All the best for your paper!
May 27, 2010
Grammar, Usage / How to cite your research paper? [6]


I used to write papers that need citation, but my citation source is not my working, so I'm not sure if it is any different from your case. Anyway, for my case, I use footnote. You can go to citationmachine.net and follow the instructions to make a good footnote. Otherwise, you can always write something like: According to my ... or By verifying with... or the like to talk about your previous research. I know that for academic paper, you can quote the point, then write something like (author's name, year), but I'm not sure if it applies to your case.

Hope that helps! All the best for your paper!
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