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Posts by summeradams
Joined: Nov 14, 2012
Last Post: Nov 17, 2012
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Nov 14, 2012
Undergraduate / 'financial abilities' - a summer research program. this is a short answer. [2]

The question is: seeks individuals who will advance the goals of diversity in the medical and dental profession, reduce health-care disparities, and/or improve health care to underserved populations. Please share your experiences in one or all of these areas.

There are people today who live in unfortunate conditions where it is very difficult to receive treatments due to financial influence. Then there are people who receive exceptional treatment because of their financial abilities. I believe it is our absolute responsibility to help others with health related issues. society puts wealth in such a high pedestal which does not reflect the founding fundamentals of this country. This is blinding the fact that life should not have numeric value. The concept of money should not determine if one can live or die .People need to know and understand the concept of my chances of survival should be the same for you. This is an example of two extreme elements that people live with everyday. The idea of unequal ability to survive and heal reminds me of an experience that I had. About three years ago I've been having constant asthma attacks, my visits to the hospital were very frequent. I would be rushed to the hospital almost every week. It got to the point where all the nurses knew me and had my chart ready. This was such a difficult period in my life. My grades were decreasing due to my attendance in school; my social life was out the window, but most of all I am grateful that I wake up alive and have another chance to live. This idea of health care disparity hit home for me because I witnessed it myself.

During my weekly visits to the hospital, I was suffering from loud wheezing and chest pain. I was in so much pain to the point that I wanted to cry. The doctors gave me steroids for my lungs and hooked me on Xopenex which helped to relax my muscles in my airway. After an hour my pain was fading and I started to feel better. That day the emergency room was hectic and there was not enough space. I ended up sharing my room with another asthmatic patient. But the difference between her and I was that she looked like she was passing out and looked very pale. I remember looking at her monitor and seeing her heart rate decreasing but not dramatically. Then I noticed that her blood oxygen count was very low which seemed very bad because doctors were attaching her to other medications. I felt bad and scared because that could be me one day. A night of fighting hard she made it and I was so happy for her. For some reason I felt a connection because she was the only one I knew with severe asthma like myself.

That night we were both were hooked on airways just in case we stop breathing over night. She was still in a lot of pain and there was nothing I could do about it. When she was sleeping that night I heard the doctors talking about giving her some strong medication but the financial adviser informed them that her insurance will not cover certain medications. Her nurse came in and gave her parents her insurance with a bill. I never got the chance to see the bill nor ask about it because I thought it might be rude but the expression on her parents face gave it away. It seemed as if they were living paycheck by paycheck. I felt bad and guilty because her parents have to find out a way to pay the bill and I did not. It was unfair that I received excellent treatment and medication because of my insurance and she couldn't. My point of this story is that being healthy and being alive should not be a burden. People should not hesitate to seek medical attention fearing its cost and the lack of treatments. I believe that we need to be a healthy nation in order for us to have a healthy future.

One of my ultimate goals after medical school is to open my own clinic, a clinic where people are not afraid to enter because of its financial burden. I believe that we all have our own individual missions that God has for us and I believe that opening a non for profit clinic is my mission and thousands of others. I have seen the prejudice acts of health care happening in my own neighborhood where people are selling their cars and homes to try to save their loved ones. I know that I cannot save and change the world all by myself. But I do truly believe if we are passionate about what we want to do; it will be a great way to start helping people in American and other parts of the world.

I believe if one element of diversity is rejected then we are missing a piece of an uncompleted puzzle. If we eliminate one aspect of thought or idea then we do not have a complete solution. And if we only encourage the affluent and ignore the unfortunate then there will surely be no conclusion. We must know the true definition of diversity and understand its infinite power. I believe that in order for us to have a balance in life we must focus on what is important. We must think about the quality of treatments in the health field not the quantity.
Nov 14, 2012
Essays / Founding Fathers Essay - VFW Patriot's Pen (would they believe you?) [9]

I think we should make a list of all the things they ride to fix for this country and how it is adjusted in today's world and the past.

I would talk about
-"all men are created equal."
- the economic style in the past and the way it helped us
and just continue from there...

good luck
Nov 14, 2012
Book Reports / The essay question is on the book "a thousand splendid sun's" [2]


in the book Afghanistan was a country were everyone wanted to live. they had endless freedom, great historical monuments and had amazing history. if you read the book lalih's father use to say "this is a great time for women" and this is repeated throughout the book but since the talaban came about and changed the political and social norms . the talaban used Islam to try to justify what THEY wanted which some are

women cant go to school
women must cover fully
man must grow their beard
must go and pray and ect ( the talaban made it a must when in Islam it is optional )

her father points out how enriching women were in the Afgh society and how important it was for women to have their education.

its such an amazing story but it made me so frustrated because people want to have power so they use religion to gain it.
i hope i answered your question. reply back to me if i did not.
good luck
Nov 14, 2012
Undergraduate / 'born autistic and verbal' - summer research program. short answer [3]

can you please help me with the grammar and spelling.

this is a personal statement

Coming from a big city, living with a big family, and having big dreams sometimes might be difficult to put hand in hand. One out of the six siblings is an astonishing and extraordinary person that changed my whole perception of life and science. That is my older sister, Ashwag, 23 years old, and born autistic. The love and fascination of science and medicine started out with her. I love being around her because she never fails to amaze me due to her cleverness. Living with autism might be a difficult task but it is so rewarding. I feel like I have become a better person because of her. She taught me patience, kindness and mercy. She was born autistic and verbal until she was 5 years old. She stopped talking and communicating completely after that. Autism does not run down from generation to generation because autism does not occur genetically. From the lack of communication she had, she turned towards aggression to express what she wanted and her feelings. My sister went through a lot in her life; she has Obsessive compulsive disorder, Bipolar disorder, and goes through seizure episodes once a while. I volunteer helping my parents with my sister by taking her to her doctor appointments; give her her daily medications and taking care of her when my parents need a break. Autism is one out of many mysterious illnesses that does not have direct answers to why it occurs and I want to make that change one day. One of my many dreams is to explore and conducted research about Autism. I want to help people who are diagnosed with autism and their families because they both face difficulties in their journeys. When families and friends have direct answers to why autism occurs, it might comfort them psychologically. Maybe one day I'll find the answer to why Autism occurs. Science is a very important aspect of my life and I am the type of person who likes to explore and learn different information. I think this program will give me a great opportunity to understand what will be accepted of me when attending medical school.

Thank you
Nov 17, 2012
Research Papers / reasearch topic on human resource management [7]

i would really like to help you but i am having a hard time understanding what you are trying to ask. can you please explain it more with details
Nov 17, 2012
Undergraduate / founding fathers essey; 'Walking down the street I met a man' [3]

Walking down the street I met a man; however this man was dressed as if he came for the seventeen hundreds so I approached him .

you could say " Walking down the street I met a man who dressed as if he came for the seventeen hundreds ."
so I approached him - this could be a new sentence. you could say " i was fascinated by the way this gentlemen was dressed so i decided to approach him. "

I came up to him and said hello slowly judging him with a close eye he then to my surprise immediately shook my hand firmly and said his name was "Alexander Hamilton".. Since it was common courtesy I said mine.

you could Start this sentence differently- you could say
" as i approached him i was scrutinizing him with my fascination. as i was scrutinizing him he surprised me with a hand shake that was very firm, then he said his name was "Alexander Hamilton". "

Great essay just a little fixing- amazing :-)
Nov 17, 2012
Undergraduate / this is my Jazz paper; Jazz started to flourish at the end of First World War [2]

Tell me what you think. be honest Thanks

Jazz started to flourish when the First World War had ended in the 1918. Jazz is a combination of many different cultural ideas that started out in New Orleans, St. Louis and Kansas City. The root of jazz comes from the combination of traditional African music. Since the beginning of jazz, jazz had branched out into many different styles that it is nearly impossible to generalize the whole concept of jazz. Jazz blossomed during the roaring twenties where people were experimenting with art and music, the flapper redefined womanhood, dancing, and the veto of the 19th amendment. The roaring twenties was a sense of freedom for many people, t was a time when people started to loosen up and enjoy life. It was the period of dramatic social and political change.

African Americans were brought to American as slaves to due labor work for the white man. African Americans were striped from their families, friends, and identity. As slavery continues for more than two hundred years, African Americans started to lose and forget their cultural identity. As slavery continues, some Africans tried their best to reeducate and contain their African roots, traditions, and customs. Some examples of their cultural identity are music and text which later on evolved to the formation of jazz. Much African music came from spiritual and religious text that was pasted on to them for centuries. This combination of African music, rhythm, text, and traditions has formed the concept of jazz.

Many different instruments are used to conduct jazz but the ultimate instruments that are used are trumpets, saxophones, trombones, double bass and drums. When these instruments are played, it gives you a sense of excitement and a drive to move and create motion. When listening to jazz you tend to hear syncopation and accents that gives jazz the suspenseful feeling.

Jazz has many different genres such as the blues, ragtime, bebop, Dixieland and etc. They are practically extremes of one another but yet they are related to the tree of jazz. Jazz cannot be specified as a single genre or theme, examples are the blues and bebop. The blues has a very mellow and sad context to it that tends to make you feel alone and lonely which is usually performed with piano, guitar, and harmonica. The Blues usually tell stories of struggle and sorrow where on the other hand bebop has that exciting and energetic feel to it because of the instruments that are played like the saxophone, trumpet, piano, trombone, drums and bass. Bebop artist Thelonious Monk, a pianist and composer once said "if you really understand the meaning of bebop, you understand the meaning of freedom." In the 1940's bebop also called modern Jazz was known for its fast speed, complicated melodies and confusing harmonies.

Jazz was a big element in American history, not only for its enrichment of music but for bring people together to express the same concept of emotion. Even though jazz started out with tension due to slavery, it ended up bringing people together and breaking barriers of racial aggregation. John Denver once said "Music does bring people together. It allows us to experience the same emotions. People everywhere are the same in heart and spirit. No matter what language we speak, what color we are, the form of our politics or the expression of our love and our faith, music proves: We are the same."

Thank You
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