Undergraduate /
A Chinese proverb / Favorite place - admission essay to boarding school [9]
Hello Blue,
Thanks for the clarification, though I understood what the assignment was. My, how rigid standards tends to stifle the creative mind! Not to be rude, not in the least, but it is possible for you to combine the two assignments, while still adhering overall to either. Just my two cents.
1. To begin, the important thing to keep before you is your assignment. Imagery as a means of building interest is good, but your introduction should also touch upon what makes it your favorite place.
2. An anecdote is a good idea. Hopefully it is a personal one, so that you can speak from your own experience. As I've said (or rather, quoted) many a time before, "That which is most personal is most universal".
3. Speaking of the versatility of the piano, etc., should be reserved perhaps for the first paragraph, to establish the
what: the technical stuff, the rote, the prerequisite information for those not as familiar as you are with piano music and so forth. Thus the subsequent paragraphs will be well primed and set up for the
why and
how, which is far more interesting to read about (in terms of it being a favorite place of yours, that is.)
4. Your conclusion doesn't necessarily have to echo your introduction. Perhaps it can drive home a point within the body of your essay. The hard and fast rule of writing is: there is no hard and fast rule for writing. Of course, keeping a good structure is important, but having that, you can be free to write and convey virtually whatever you can dream up.
Good luck, Blue!