Motivation / Cover letter
I'm applying for Erasmus Mundus scholarship in infectious diseases.
Thank you in advance for your feedback!
1. Motivation/Cover letter: A letter written in English explaining your motivation and interest in IDOH. pdf only. There is no length limitation.
2. Movitation/ Cover letter (stating the reasons of your interest, the purpose on how you wish to use the Masters to further your career/education and anything you would consider relevant for your application to share with the Selection Committee).
Dear Sir or Madam,
Whole my life I have been interested in investigation and biological science. I completed my bachelor studies in Microbiology at XXXXX in XXXX with a scholarship granted by the national government to the best low-income students in the country. Also I have participated as speaker in virology workshops and congress such as "Challenges of viral infections with impact on health: A multidisciplinary approach" and "The 1st Congress of Women in Bioinformatics and Data Science Latin America". By taking courses in virology, immunology, bacteriology and biochemistry I acquired suitable knowledge, skills and motivation to continue my studies in the field of infectious diseases. During my bachelor studies I learned not just about topics of my career but I also acquired basic knowledge in German and Portuguese culture and language.
I believe that the Infectious Diseases and One Health program contains all topics I am interested in such as emerging viral infections, vaccines, virus discovery, genome editing, translational medicine and innovative therapies. Moreover, traveling and living in different countries will give me several opportunities to acquire more profound knowledge of diverse cultures around the world, meet new people with distinct backgrounds and improve and learn new languages.
The three founding partner universities which are leaders in intensive research on infectious diseases and the scholarship will allows me to expand my knowledge in my field of study with the One Health approach, develop my research skills and establish international and multidisciplinary networks in order to improve as an academic and professional. In my future career, I would like to focus on innovative treatments for infectious diseases. Consequently I would be pleased to complete my master internship in Boehringer Ingelheim or in MSD.
I firmly believe that Erasmus Mundus Scholarship IDOH program is an enrichment opportunity that will allows me to grow as a human and professional and that will open many doors for me to achieve another of my accomplishments: a PhD in Germany. I trust that I shall receive a high quality education and I would be delighted to pursue a career that allows me to work and investigate actively in innovative treatments for infectious diseases. In addition, in the company of excellent academics and professionals I shall work on scientific dissemination and I will contribute to improve human and animal health and their life quality not only in the European Union but in the world.
Thank you in advance for considering my application.
My name.