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Teaching and National Prizes in Computer Science - Letter of recommendation for GKS-U

britonnn 1 / 2  
Apr 4, 2022   #1

recommendation letter

Dear Admission Committee,
As an IT teacher with many years of teaching experience who has trained many students to achieve many accolades in National Prizes in Computer Science and guiding students in the ISCEF competitions, I have taught many bright students throughout my career. Today, it is my honor to talk about one particular student I have been teaching Tien at the start of 12th grade. Even though it is not a long journey, he has successfully shown me that he is a student of great enthusiasm, intelligence, and independence who strives to live his life to the fullest every day. It is now my honor to recommend this student to your program.

Came from English class, while most of his classmates made no effort to study Computer Science, Tien showed excellent eagerness. He studied the materials before they were taught and often spent his time thinking about applying what I taught him: After learning about Excel, he used his knowledge about this fantastic tool to create his timetable, check his spending each month, and create his goals. In the mid-term examination, while other students were struggling with the exercises that I gave them, Tien solved them with ease which clearly showed that he is an excellent student and his skills were far in advance of his peers.

Outside of what Tien learned at school, he was interested in web development. Tien spent a month in the summer of 11th grade passionately learning to code websites. Even though a month was a relatively short amount of time to learn how to code, Tien successfully learned all the basics of web development and created a few simple websites and an Email clone with some essential functions. More incredible is that Tien learned how to code all by himself. Born in a low-income family, Tien had no access to paid courses like most people. Instead of giving up, he found books on the internet, youtube tutorials, or free Udemy courses he found online to develop his skills.

He is an outstanding student who permanently lives with his full passion, and with the quote, he always follows " live your life to the fullest." I believe he will achieve greatness in whatever he does in the future with his mindset, passion, intelligence, and quest for more. I highly recommend this student to you.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15259  
Apr 5, 2022   #2
Swap the focus from English student to IT student and you have the same letter, with the same opening paragraph as the first letter. The same emotional plea due to the poverty of the student is also contained in this version. Regardless of the small differences in student accomplishment references, it is still the same template being used.

Reviewers will compare the letters, definitely see the similarities in writing along with the same referencing style and come to the same conclusion, only 1 person, the student wrote both recommendation letters. The decision of the admissions committee? Disqualify the student from scholarship contention due to dishonesty and document falsification. The teachers never wrote the letters and their signatures on the letters will be deemed falsified by the committee regardless of the letterhead used. The student will be given a hard block and will never be qualified to apply for this scholarship going forward.

Hire a professional to write the letters for you and your teachers who, it seems, cannot be bothered to write one for you. Only a professional writer can change his writing style to make it appear that 2 different people wrote the letter for you. You do not have the training nor the qualifications to do such a thing. Do not use these letters are recommendation letters. There is a high possiblity that you will be discovered as trying to cheat the application system.

Though the U/N of this student has changed on the forum, resulting in multiple profiles that has already been reported to the moderators for account suspension and banning, his writing style did not change. The fact that his name was mentioned in both letters makes matters worse for his membership at this forum. It proves that the user just changed his profile name. This may be the last advice he will receive here due to upcoming actions from the admin side.It may result in a hard ban for the student.

Warning to students: Do not create multiple profiles, it is not worth being banned for.
OP britonnn 1 / 2  
Apr 5, 2022   #3

Hi, it is my first time here so i didnt notice that. Btw, i cant see my lor for english anymore, is it deleted? Can you delete this thread for me also cause i just notice i publish my name and infos online 😞

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