Prevention of Cancer: Caution
Thesis: In order to prevent the unfortunate situation of becoming diagnosed with cancer, individuals should aim to better secure their chances by never smoking or chewing tobacco, eating healthier foods in moderation, and getting sufficient amounts of physical activity.
I.Individuals should attempt to avoid tobacco at all costs.
A.Quit for your health! Smoking tobacco is the current leading cause of preventable death in the United States.
B.Use of tobacco alters changes in the brain, turning the use into an addiction of destructive nature.
II.Eat smart to fully protect your health.
A.Healthy foods that come from animals will provide your body with nourishing vitamins and minerals.
B.Eating many fruits and vegetables provides the body with nutrition and natural cancer fighters nourishments.
III.Being a healthy weight lowers the risk for getting cancer.
A.Getting a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise daily significantly lowers the risk for getting cancer and any possible diseases.
B.Fat raises insulin levels, which has the ability to promote growing cancer cells. Maintaining a healthy weight reduces the fat, which results in reduced diseases and cancer growth!