Abortion is a hot topic among Americans since 2022 and the overturning of Roe versus Wade(Totenburg, 2022). This controversial topic is not set out for the weak conscience to comprehend or argue, as embarrassing devastation will result. As Justice Samuel Alito mentioned, Roe ruling must be overruled because they were egregiously wrong, the arguments exceptionally weak and so damaging that they amounted to an abuse of judicial authority. This immediately affected half the states abortion rights, and abortion will no longer be available in large swaths across the country(Totenburg, 2022). Many people thought the decision of the supreme court was going to affect the upcoming election in favor of the pro-choice politics, common knowledge now proves it worked in favor of the pro-life politics.
Justice Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett and including Justice John Roberts all voted in favor of Alito's decision. With Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan opposing the opinion of Justice Alito, noticeably the justices in favor of overturning Roe versus Wade were appointed by Republican Presidents, with the 3 dissenting justices were appointed by Democrat judges. The decision is said to be a serious jolt into the judicial system with the majority of the nation agreeing it has been the right decision, knowing the rights of vulnerable children are worth preserving and the nation needs to serve, protect and cherish life(Totenburg, 2022).
The history of the problem of abortion legally started in 1973, when Roe v. Wade became legal federally and has led up to now one of worst decisions in American politics(History.com, 2023). Not only are we preserving the lives of horrendous criminals but also murdering innocent children in our society. This concept is very backwards, and everyone deserves a right to life, especially when an individual has clearly not done anything wrong like an innocent child. Several churches decided to ban this horrendous act as soon as it became an option in society dating back as far as the 1800's, with very poor results and procedures very risky with life threatening measures for the mother(History.com, 2023). These compiled procedures result in a deeper dark risk to a common sexual behavioral issue within society. Christians in the United States find the act to create the child is generally speaking, conceived out of sin while the parents were in fornication(1 Corinthians 6:18-20), though they sinned and sometimes shameful of their actions, they want to rid of the evidence. Which society in the 1800's, majority of the 1900's found as murder and a drastic axiologically regressed decision. The 1960's bioscience breakthrough reducing the risk of the mother's health did not have much attention until the rise of the hippie movement, licentious, lascivious and hedonistic lifestyle orchestrated by this era. Significant partying led to selfish pleasing, without the care of responsibility of one's actions, medical science finds more remedies to aborting human fetuses.
At one point the American moral standard was doing everything in its power to keep children alive(1900's and prior) never entertaining a child due to fornication but finding an orphanage, a willing family, or the state to care for and raise the child if the mother did not want to raise the bastard child. It is illegal to murder a child in society and abortion was severely looked down upon, society finding the two parties involved need to take responsibility for their actions and raise the child. If they were not together then the father(assuming the child lives with the mother) would need to pay child support for the babe. Ironically, prior to Roe versus Wade in just a little over a decade women hit the workforce as strong as they ever have, finding adultery and divorce skyrocket across the nation. This did not help the abortion rate decrease as the shame coming through the adultery provoked the party to find an abortion to eliminate the risk of exposure. World War II left a catastrophic effect on the homes and marriages of the American people, as when the husbands were away fighting in Germany the wives to these soldiers had to step up to the plate and enter the workforce in order to provide for their families(Yee Lim, 2024). Such circumstances made the interaction of housewives with other men, besides their husbands and needless to say history explains the rest quite vividly. High divorce rates, sin, and the cover up of this sin if a woman were to conceive outside of wedlock was abortion. Though illegal at the time, became an option for women who did not want to raise the child(Oren, 2018).
The tipping point of hedonism erected itself through the cocaine era of narcotic outbreak in the United States, which lead to the classic ideological sex, drugs, rock & roll and murdering innocent children as a product of irresponsible licentious behavior. The woodstocks and recreational parties resulted in significant amounts of fornication, which if acted upon irresponsibly would result in pregnancy. Which this selfish lifestyle being fanned with the flame of narcotics lead the United States into one of the horrid morally regressed conditions the nation has ever seen. When abortion becomes discovered as legal in the 1970's the liberal rights movement and radical left wing movement spring to life, making a wave in history of the United States. Following this wave of history, it turns out to be the most embarrassing decision the nation has ever made, having to pay continually by the judgements of God. These pregnancies lead to a crossroads of decision making, raise the child in this environment(which many will argue this is not a good environment for a child) or simply have the women get an abortion. These decisions usually were not including the father of the child(if still known), as this brand-new soul is now property of the woman who conceived the child. Though adoption was an option, that would require stretch marks, exposure of her fornicating ways and have to give birth to a child. Unfortunately for the child, the United States in 1973 has now give their mother the right to decide whether or not she can kill them(Lowen, 2020).
Intense debate regarding chastity, sexual purity, axiological standards and the practicality of societies capability to perform at specific standards with so much liberty to do as one pleases, regardless of one's hamartiological beliefs. The separation of church and state indicate the onslaught of the debate of how much impression of virtue ethics can be applied to the law. The state knows the act of fornication is sin but chose to make the wrong moral decision in favoring the sin over an innocent soul. Paradoxical principles entrenched in the deep and disheartening decision of murdering of innocent children. Eventually, the victor turned in the favor of the sinners who wanted to kill to justify their sin, with intent to criminalize anyone who opposes such behavior or actions(Lowen, 2020).
Throughout the development state of the court decision there were intense disagreements, quarrels resulting in protests, the people in power becoming overwhelmed with the new procedure which allows "women's" rights. These rights were and still are argued it was her right to have consensual sex and not hindsight once the child is conceived into a living soul. The child never did anything wrong to be murdered, therefore the is an egregious attempt to justify the horrendous act. Sexual assault was a used as a scapegoat to justify the act, when less than 5% of abortions result out of sexual assault(Abortions Due to Rape, 2024). This crime has been out of control by the United States government for some time and they struggle to find the ability to reduce the rate but also quick to criticize capital punishment which guarantees a non-re-offense. Not to mention the slander and libel written about men which has been a lie, though arguably with technology, forensic science and humane affordable ways to execute the guilty criminals. Criminals in return are locked in jail cells spending tax dollar income because the government does not have the fortitude to take care of business and execute those proven guilty.
Society has developed into an ideology of virginity is not revered and virtue ethics has decreased in standard in daily living, speech and dress. In society a mother killing her child as an ideological principle that in general was frowned upon in the last century, leading to mass confusion in current society. Excuses to commit the murder sometimes are based on economic downfall as in their mind there is no way they can take responsibility for their action or even let the government care for the child. These children can be raised in society not only in the foster care system to live a normal achievement but find a right to life(FC2S, 2015). In current society, the United States government prioritized funding a war(175 billion under the Joe Biden administration) that is not the United States' war, when these funds could have gone to investing in taking care of these innocent souls(Masters, Merrow, 2024). Not only the care of these children could be employed but the housing, food, education and simple vacations could be funded by such amounts of money. Instead, the United States chooses to spend money on killing more people instead of finding a common ground to arbitrate and cultivate peace in Ukrainian/Russian war.
Not only has the economic viewpoint of an abortion been argued as weak, unstable and very coldhearted it is unGodly. The issue lies with a nation such as the United States going to moral court with God almighty and try to argue carnal thoughts, procedures and protocols. When the entire time we as a nation and society have enough money to care for the number of aborted children as a whole but have chosen to manage our money horribly and find excuse to support murdering the children. An interesting thought is to stop international affairs such as contributing to wars, sex changes for foreign people in Guatemala, et cetera for a year would be enough money to fund these murdered living souls from conception to college graduation. Though, the actual percentage of aborted children are few in the grand scope of the American population the concept of not welcoming a child into this life but supporting the life of a horrendous criminal is absurd to say the least(Whitehouse, 2025).
For one to argue an innocent child cannot have a regular life or achieve goals in life from being adopted would have to disregard the life experiences of George Washington, Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan. Not only do men of this capacity understand how much influence the government can have on this topic but the overwhelming amount of potential a surrogate and depending on the age of the youngster when adopted they may never know they were adopted until told later on in life. Unfortunately, with the sex education progressing into reactive principles of intercourse, they regret to value proactive disciplines of chastity, purity and sexual purity as the act is to be reserved for marriage and the original goal and conscience of American societies morals. As we all know the conscience of society has changed and few can live up to these standards society evolves into what one thought was right to have 'safe' sex but missing the point that sin is being advertised. With progressive education attempting to be "accepting" they are discriminating on traditional Christians who value these principles and practice abstinence until marriage. Everyone's voice counts except theirs is what these policies and teaching styles produce but the pride movements are encouraged. These views are not in alignment for any of the Christian's articles of faith, though churches are accepting of new converts ignorant of these truths the government makes it very confusing, and the nation as a whole has the knowledge to know what principles we were based on creating the constitution. Sexually transmitted disease tests and diversity, equity and inclusion policies were integrated into society, specifically into the educational system. People start riots, filled with reveling, obscene vulgarity, demonic demonstrations and profanity throughout the overturning of Roe versus Wade(Rosenhaus, 2018).
Some say peaceful protest is all that happened through the George Floyd riots and now the Roe versus Wade protests. It clearly depends on your definition of protest and the difference between a riot and protest. Lighting buildings on fire, while people are told to stay home and wear a face mask and collect a government paycheck. To protests stalking the supreme court justices home after and during the decision to overturn of Roe versus Wade. Eugene, Oregon was an example of the turmoil, causing significant backlash and police officers all around the country in riot gear responding to what the media calls "protests". Violence, disrespectful language, and smoke bombs being thrown at officers caused for arrests of these "protesters"(Campbell, 2022). In Arizona there were protests which turned violent at the state capitol building where law enforcement had to place tear gas to protect the property from the outrage. All of this because the government allowed this act and entrenched into society this was legal if the mother wanted. Once America had a generation that knew better, to a generation that disregarded responsibility, to a generation that wanted to have the choice amid the circumstance and now finding it was the wrong decision. The paradigm shift has turned into a shock for the legal system but arguably the right decision for the good of the country and the current leaders of the country feel it is the right direction.
The original decision of Roe versus Wade was the worst decision in American history. Making embarrassment for everyone who resides, as the very low moral, unGodly act was allowed by the most powerful nation on earth. Not everyone may have the capability or fortitude to live with abstinence until marriage, but it is not the child's fault. Developing a generation for the future to come, encompasses the service to provide them with the best foundation and the service they deserve. Leading by example, instilling proactive disciplines in one's life for prevention of situations like this(Shumway, 2023). Not punishing children when two adults make poor decisions and do not have enough fortitude to take responsibility for the actions and care for the child. There are loving homes, families and safe environments for children in the United States and as Arizona custom license plates say it so well, "It should not hurt to be a child".
Works Cited
Justice Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett and including Justice John Roberts all voted in favor of Alito's decision. With Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan opposing the opinion of Justice Alito, noticeably the justices in favor of overturning Roe versus Wade were appointed by Republican Presidents, with the 3 dissenting justices were appointed by Democrat judges. The decision is said to be a serious jolt into the judicial system with the majority of the nation agreeing it has been the right decision, knowing the rights of vulnerable children are worth preserving and the nation needs to serve, protect and cherish life(Totenburg, 2022).
The history of the problem of abortion legally started in 1973, when Roe v. Wade became legal federally and has led up to now one of worst decisions in American politics(History.com, 2023). Not only are we preserving the lives of horrendous criminals but also murdering innocent children in our society. This concept is very backwards, and everyone deserves a right to life, especially when an individual has clearly not done anything wrong like an innocent child. Several churches decided to ban this horrendous act as soon as it became an option in society dating back as far as the 1800's, with very poor results and procedures very risky with life threatening measures for the mother(History.com, 2023). These compiled procedures result in a deeper dark risk to a common sexual behavioral issue within society. Christians in the United States find the act to create the child is generally speaking, conceived out of sin while the parents were in fornication(1 Corinthians 6:18-20), though they sinned and sometimes shameful of their actions, they want to rid of the evidence. Which society in the 1800's, majority of the 1900's found as murder and a drastic axiologically regressed decision. The 1960's bioscience breakthrough reducing the risk of the mother's health did not have much attention until the rise of the hippie movement, licentious, lascivious and hedonistic lifestyle orchestrated by this era. Significant partying led to selfish pleasing, without the care of responsibility of one's actions, medical science finds more remedies to aborting human fetuses.
At one point the American moral standard was doing everything in its power to keep children alive(1900's and prior) never entertaining a child due to fornication but finding an orphanage, a willing family, or the state to care for and raise the child if the mother did not want to raise the bastard child. It is illegal to murder a child in society and abortion was severely looked down upon, society finding the two parties involved need to take responsibility for their actions and raise the child. If they were not together then the father(assuming the child lives with the mother) would need to pay child support for the babe. Ironically, prior to Roe versus Wade in just a little over a decade women hit the workforce as strong as they ever have, finding adultery and divorce skyrocket across the nation. This did not help the abortion rate decrease as the shame coming through the adultery provoked the party to find an abortion to eliminate the risk of exposure. World War II left a catastrophic effect on the homes and marriages of the American people, as when the husbands were away fighting in Germany the wives to these soldiers had to step up to the plate and enter the workforce in order to provide for their families(Yee Lim, 2024). Such circumstances made the interaction of housewives with other men, besides their husbands and needless to say history explains the rest quite vividly. High divorce rates, sin, and the cover up of this sin if a woman were to conceive outside of wedlock was abortion. Though illegal at the time, became an option for women who did not want to raise the child(Oren, 2018).
The tipping point of hedonism erected itself through the cocaine era of narcotic outbreak in the United States, which lead to the classic ideological sex, drugs, rock & roll and murdering innocent children as a product of irresponsible licentious behavior. The woodstocks and recreational parties resulted in significant amounts of fornication, which if acted upon irresponsibly would result in pregnancy. Which this selfish lifestyle being fanned with the flame of narcotics lead the United States into one of the horrid morally regressed conditions the nation has ever seen. When abortion becomes discovered as legal in the 1970's the liberal rights movement and radical left wing movement spring to life, making a wave in history of the United States. Following this wave of history, it turns out to be the most embarrassing decision the nation has ever made, having to pay continually by the judgements of God. These pregnancies lead to a crossroads of decision making, raise the child in this environment(which many will argue this is not a good environment for a child) or simply have the women get an abortion. These decisions usually were not including the father of the child(if still known), as this brand-new soul is now property of the woman who conceived the child. Though adoption was an option, that would require stretch marks, exposure of her fornicating ways and have to give birth to a child. Unfortunately for the child, the United States in 1973 has now give their mother the right to decide whether or not she can kill them(Lowen, 2020).
Intense debate regarding chastity, sexual purity, axiological standards and the practicality of societies capability to perform at specific standards with so much liberty to do as one pleases, regardless of one's hamartiological beliefs. The separation of church and state indicate the onslaught of the debate of how much impression of virtue ethics can be applied to the law. The state knows the act of fornication is sin but chose to make the wrong moral decision in favoring the sin over an innocent soul. Paradoxical principles entrenched in the deep and disheartening decision of murdering of innocent children. Eventually, the victor turned in the favor of the sinners who wanted to kill to justify their sin, with intent to criminalize anyone who opposes such behavior or actions(Lowen, 2020).
Throughout the development state of the court decision there were intense disagreements, quarrels resulting in protests, the people in power becoming overwhelmed with the new procedure which allows "women's" rights. These rights were and still are argued it was her right to have consensual sex and not hindsight once the child is conceived into a living soul. The child never did anything wrong to be murdered, therefore the is an egregious attempt to justify the horrendous act. Sexual assault was a used as a scapegoat to justify the act, when less than 5% of abortions result out of sexual assault(Abortions Due to Rape, 2024). This crime has been out of control by the United States government for some time and they struggle to find the ability to reduce the rate but also quick to criticize capital punishment which guarantees a non-re-offense. Not to mention the slander and libel written about men which has been a lie, though arguably with technology, forensic science and humane affordable ways to execute the guilty criminals. Criminals in return are locked in jail cells spending tax dollar income because the government does not have the fortitude to take care of business and execute those proven guilty.
Society has developed into an ideology of virginity is not revered and virtue ethics has decreased in standard in daily living, speech and dress. In society a mother killing her child as an ideological principle that in general was frowned upon in the last century, leading to mass confusion in current society. Excuses to commit the murder sometimes are based on economic downfall as in their mind there is no way they can take responsibility for their action or even let the government care for the child. These children can be raised in society not only in the foster care system to live a normal achievement but find a right to life(FC2S, 2015). In current society, the United States government prioritized funding a war(175 billion under the Joe Biden administration) that is not the United States' war, when these funds could have gone to investing in taking care of these innocent souls(Masters, Merrow, 2024). Not only the care of these children could be employed but the housing, food, education and simple vacations could be funded by such amounts of money. Instead, the United States chooses to spend money on killing more people instead of finding a common ground to arbitrate and cultivate peace in Ukrainian/Russian war.
Not only has the economic viewpoint of an abortion been argued as weak, unstable and very coldhearted it is unGodly. The issue lies with a nation such as the United States going to moral court with God almighty and try to argue carnal thoughts, procedures and protocols. When the entire time we as a nation and society have enough money to care for the number of aborted children as a whole but have chosen to manage our money horribly and find excuse to support murdering the children. An interesting thought is to stop international affairs such as contributing to wars, sex changes for foreign people in Guatemala, et cetera for a year would be enough money to fund these murdered living souls from conception to college graduation. Though, the actual percentage of aborted children are few in the grand scope of the American population the concept of not welcoming a child into this life but supporting the life of a horrendous criminal is absurd to say the least(Whitehouse, 2025).
For one to argue an innocent child cannot have a regular life or achieve goals in life from being adopted would have to disregard the life experiences of George Washington, Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan. Not only do men of this capacity understand how much influence the government can have on this topic but the overwhelming amount of potential a surrogate and depending on the age of the youngster when adopted they may never know they were adopted until told later on in life. Unfortunately, with the sex education progressing into reactive principles of intercourse, they regret to value proactive disciplines of chastity, purity and sexual purity as the act is to be reserved for marriage and the original goal and conscience of American societies morals. As we all know the conscience of society has changed and few can live up to these standards society evolves into what one thought was right to have 'safe' sex but missing the point that sin is being advertised. With progressive education attempting to be "accepting" they are discriminating on traditional Christians who value these principles and practice abstinence until marriage. Everyone's voice counts except theirs is what these policies and teaching styles produce but the pride movements are encouraged. These views are not in alignment for any of the Christian's articles of faith, though churches are accepting of new converts ignorant of these truths the government makes it very confusing, and the nation as a whole has the knowledge to know what principles we were based on creating the constitution. Sexually transmitted disease tests and diversity, equity and inclusion policies were integrated into society, specifically into the educational system. People start riots, filled with reveling, obscene vulgarity, demonic demonstrations and profanity throughout the overturning of Roe versus Wade(Rosenhaus, 2018).
Some say peaceful protest is all that happened through the George Floyd riots and now the Roe versus Wade protests. It clearly depends on your definition of protest and the difference between a riot and protest. Lighting buildings on fire, while people are told to stay home and wear a face mask and collect a government paycheck. To protests stalking the supreme court justices home after and during the decision to overturn of Roe versus Wade. Eugene, Oregon was an example of the turmoil, causing significant backlash and police officers all around the country in riot gear responding to what the media calls "protests". Violence, disrespectful language, and smoke bombs being thrown at officers caused for arrests of these "protesters"(Campbell, 2022). In Arizona there were protests which turned violent at the state capitol building where law enforcement had to place tear gas to protect the property from the outrage. All of this because the government allowed this act and entrenched into society this was legal if the mother wanted. Once America had a generation that knew better, to a generation that disregarded responsibility, to a generation that wanted to have the choice amid the circumstance and now finding it was the wrong decision. The paradigm shift has turned into a shock for the legal system but arguably the right decision for the good of the country and the current leaders of the country feel it is the right direction.
The original decision of Roe versus Wade was the worst decision in American history. Making embarrassment for everyone who resides, as the very low moral, unGodly act was allowed by the most powerful nation on earth. Not everyone may have the capability or fortitude to live with abstinence until marriage, but it is not the child's fault. Developing a generation for the future to come, encompasses the service to provide them with the best foundation and the service they deserve. Leading by example, instilling proactive disciplines in one's life for prevention of situations like this(Shumway, 2023). Not punishing children when two adults make poor decisions and do not have enough fortitude to take responsibility for the actions and care for the child. There are loving homes, families and safe environments for children in the United States and as Arizona custom license plates say it so well, "It should not hurt to be a child".
Works Cited