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WWII Paper - Hitler Expansion

mhauth 2 / 1  
May 1, 2007   #1
I need some help with my thesis. Here is what I have so far. I need to reword it a little. Thanks

"Great Britain and France allowed the tyrant leader, Hitler, to expand because both were in the center of an economic debacle and did not feel the German leader posed any risk to European stability."

EF_Team2 1 / 1703  
May 2, 2007   #2

I'd be glad to help. How about something like this:

"Great Britain and France, struggling with their own economic crises, did not take seriously enough the threat Hitler posed to European stability."

You can use "debacle" and "tyrant" (which are great words!) in the following paragraphs.

Good luck!


Sarah, EssayForum.com
OP mhauth 2 / 1  
May 2, 2007   #3
Thanks Sarah! Thats great, just what I needed! Thanks again.
MoeMoe1 13 / 75  
Apr 20, 2009   #4
Two leaders that contributed to WWII and Hitler expansion?

I got two papers due by friday =( And I got 5midterms this week! Kill me someone??!?

1st Paper:

FDR Roosevelt's contribution to WWII?

and Winston Church Chill contribution to WWII?

two pages each...

please someone give me something to start with and outline of some sort

thanks !!!!!
EF_Sean 6 / 3466  
Apr 20, 2009   #5
Winston Churchill -- he was the main reason WWII wasn't won by Germany. When all of Europe was overrun, America still held herself aloof, and England herself was being bombed daily, he refused to surrender. There has been a ton of material written about him, so you should have no trouble find research sources for more info.

FDR -- he brought America into the war. I seem to remember reading somewhere that he had provided covert support to Britain for a while, and was actually eager to join the fight against Hitler, even though he campaigned in favor of keeping American out of the war. He just couldn't summon up enough public support for involving America until Pearl Harbor. It's been awhile since I studied this, though, so I could be mistaken.

Good luck
MoeMoe1 13 / 75  
Apr 21, 2009   #6
thanks alot my friend!

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