leadership & influencer question
The wave of largely uncontrolled urban growth in form of informal settlements with the most basic infrastructure i.e., water supply, waste water, and solid waste management and accessible schools and play grounds are the most visualized Afghanistan problems.
Lack of effective and standard urban and municipal policy along with the old understandings of urbanization lead me to act against it. I positioned myself as future leader to serve and work toward a developed urban system, and to influence government toward a standard urbanization.
The extremely high-profile issues needs high-profile knowledge, Chevening scholarship enable me to have such a capability and capacity.
When i was at the university I always asked my self: how to turn my city in to a good city campare to the rest of the world cities, this thought influence me to work as volunteer with Mazar-e-sharif Mnicipality on renewing master plans of Mazar-e-shrif city. balancing this with my university classes helped me to enhance and develop strong work ethic as well as organizational and communication skills.
My 6 years of experiance with multi decipline anational and inernational organization, developed my leadership skills. My assertive method of leadershp helped me to manage and lead over 80 crews and complete serveral super funded enviromental and infrastructure projects effciently and effectively.
I am not highly qualified, so there can also be some mistakes on my part. You can write the following sentences.
as a future leader.
high-profile issues need ... scholarship enables me to ...
@Shuvrosen, Thank you very much for your healthy comments.
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15548 Ahmad, for the Chevening scholarship essay, you need to be more focused in proving that you have true leadership and influencing skills. Your essay doesn't really explain how you represent those traits because you are more focused on the exemplifications of leadership and influencing in your essay rather than showing that you prove to have the traits that make for successful business leaders and influencers. That is why you cannot use this essay for your application. This is not the kind of essay that will gain the attention of the reviewer.
You can perhaps try to develop a new leadership and influencing skills essay using the last paragraph of this essay. That reads like an interesting hook for the reviewer. So you can lay the foundation of your leadership and influencing abilities using that statement then build from there. You must depict how your leadership style has developed over the years alongside your influencing skills. As a leader, you must know how to influence your people. Therefore, the explanation for these 2 traits go hand in hand.
Try to cover both your volunteer and professional leadership and influencing skills so that you can show the reviewer that you are true "social influencer" in the true meaning of the word and not just in the social media context. Do that by narrating events that you have participated in in the most recent past that have allowed you lead, organize, and influence your crew during a noteworthy project. By explaining rather than defining your skills, you stand a better chance of making an impression on the reviewer.
Thank you very much for your kind feedback and review. I'll try to make the changes as you mentioned.
I hop this time would be the better one.
Ahseyar, Holt's comment is very detailed. I will just add that since you are allowed to write 500 words, try to use them all. Too short an answer shows that you do not have enough material to talk about. But it is important that you do not write irrelevant stuff just to reach the word count.