Outline why you have selected your chosen three university courses, and explain how this relates to your previous academic or professional experience and your plans for the future. Please do not duplicate the information you have entered on the work experience and education section of this form (minimum word count: 100 words, maximum word count: 500 words)
I discovered knowledge and professional gaps within myself while working in Balitpus of (a political party in Indonesia, let us say CLOO) as I have just only obtained a bachelor's degree in international relations (IR). Hence, I chose to deepen my knowledge through a master's degree in IR as the subject covers a broad range of political discussion, including political system comparison and government policy globally.
UK is one of the top leading countries for Good Governance. In 2021, the Good Governance as an exercise of political power to manage nation has given the UK a score of 90.2 in Politically Influential category. UK in 2015 even managed to be the most transparent country in the world. The implementation of good governance has increased the country's economic condition and prosperity that has been proven through the condition of a recession due to the COVID-19 in 2020, but managed to achieve high economic growth of 27.6% in early 2021. Thus, I would like to have a first hand experience studying in the UK to examine on how Indonesia, a developing country with a poor corruption index at 102 out of 180 countries, can learn about transparency and good governance from the UK.
First, I choose the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). The university has the world-leading department of IR and ranked second in the UK for Politics and International Studies. I want to be supervised by Dr James Morrison, who is an expert in the global governance field. He teaches Governing International Political Economy: Lessons from the Past for the Future that will be very beneficial for me to learn about managing a bad and corrupted governance like Indonesia in the past.
The second is Queen Marry University. With several university lecturers involved in the Mile End Institute and the European Research Center, studying in this university will be valuable for me as it will give an access to the front row of research about IR. I am planning to take the core module about Globalization and International Political Economy of Development that is being completed with the Global Politics of Infrastructure module, in which the modules focus on the infrastructure politics issues in Asia and Africa, where Indonesia is included. Professor Ray Kiely, who is an expert in these fields, will greatly assist me in studying the modules and I hope him to be my supervisor in writing my dissertation later.
My third option is the Goldsmith University which has a very wide range of IR modules. Instead of replicating a Eurocentric caricature of international politics, this program offers a broad view of international issues including in Asia, Africa and Latin America, so it will greatly help me to enhance my skill in analyzing crucial issues about good governance globally.
Ultimately, studying in the UK will certainly give me the opportunity to participate in realizing the Vision of Indonesia 2045 to be a country that has good governance, human resource development, and to be a developed country that enters the world's top 5 economies.