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Why did you choose your proposed course and institution? Master of Agribusiness (for AAS)

daris taufiq 2 / -  
Apr 1, 2024   #1
max 2000 characters; mine is 1596 characters with spaces.

I recently graduated with a degree in Fisheries, and I aspire to venture into entrepreneurship. My goal is not just about profits, but also about making a positive impact in my community, inspired by the words of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), who said, 'The best of people are those who bring the most benefit to the rest of mankind'. While I may not have the capabilities to create crucial things like vaccines and medicine, I can certainly strive to bring prosperity to my people in my country through trade. Initially, I considered pursuing an MBA, but I realized it was too broad for me and I lacked the working experience these programs demanded. Instead, I have decided to pursue a Master's in Agribusiness. After careful consideration, I have found that the programs offered at the University of New England (UNE) and the University of Queensland (UQ) suit my goals best.

The Agribusiness program at UNE covers a wide range of topics, including macro or micro economics, technical aspects, and international trade, which align perfectly with my aspirations to engage in export-oriented entrepreneurship. Exportation contributes significantly to my country's economy, and increasing export numbers is essential for its economic growth. Alternatively, the program at UQ focuses more on rural development, which is a great alternative if I am unable to acquire the export knowledge I desire. As a developing country, Indonesia needs to develop its rural areas to unlock the full potential of its agricultural sector, boost food security, and drive economic prosperity through agribusiness initiatives.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Apr 12, 2024   #2
You have a problematic application here. You are a graduate of a non related course. So your credentials will be weaker than the other candidates. You may fall to the bottom of the consideration pile in this case. They will prioritize those who have proven an ability to be able to complete the course. Something that you have failed to prove in this essay even though you gave a good argument in support of your educational quest. You may want to reconsider citing the prophet in your response. It is better to not involve religion in the discussion or response so as to avoid any sensitivities that the reviewers might have. Try to find another way of saying that reference.

Home / Scholarship / Why did you choose your proposed course and institution? Master of Agribusiness (for AAS)
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