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Digital and technology transformation - AAS application for MBA

OscarPangestu 4 / 9 1  
Apr 6, 2021   #1
Hi this is Oscar again, and the following is my other essay for AAS. As background information I plan to take MBA to either create my own technology startup or pursue career as product manager in existing ones. I intend to introduce digital technology to more and more micro sectors to build them up. Can anyone please kindly give insight for it, thanks very much guys.

Why did you choose your proposed course and institution*?

I had growing interest in digital and technology transformation since 2018 when I started my own online business. However it was not until 2020 that I really admired how technology startups like Gojek and Tokopedia have contributed to the survival and welfare of our taxi bikes and home industries. I am eager to join in the transformation, and rather than studying programming from zero, I consider managing a team of experts in the area to be a more efficient and timely approach. Now my vision is to extend this technology transformation to wider, yet untouched micro sectors such as gardening and plumbing services, handymen, maids, and peddlers. I choose Master of Business Administration (MBA) as I believe the course will deliver maximum impact on my leadership and managerial skills for the purpose.

University of Melbourne has the best MBA program in Australia with many relevant subjects in leadership, business strategy, data analysis, innovation, and of course management. Supported by network of real and successful entrepreneurs and business leaders (one of them coming from Uber Eats which is very similar to Gojek), the program also focuses on practical business experience through innovation bootcamp, internship, and Capstone and Social Entrepreneurship projects. These leaders in relevant sector might help me not only with future employment, but also work placements during long summer breaks to further practice my skills.

Monash University has third best MBA program in the country, and this will be my second preference. The program has stronger emphasize on leadership which is good to cover my lack of experience in leading role and still backed up by real industry experts and practitioners. It again prioritizes on practical competencies with applied projects at the end of each term (including one international project), and having completed my prior bachelor and master degrees from the University I will need no time to adapt.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 14982 4813  
Apr 7, 2021   #2
Your discussion about the schools should not include any rankings. You may discuss the university choices in relation to your course choice in any manner except rankings. That is because you are "profiling" the Australian universities, which does not sit well with the reviewers. As far as they are concerned, their universities all have the same ranking since you, a foreigner, wishes to come to their country, on their dime as a scholar, to study at their educational institutions. No preferences on your end. That is not going to be considered by the review committee. Discuss each university based on merit, not ranking or personal preferences. The merit is based on how each university training program and course will help your career move forward by educating you regarding your shortcomings in your field of work at the moment. So no saying "The best MBA program" or "my second preference". Your "preference" will be obvious based on your knowledge of the program offering and excitement when discussing the program you have chosen to study. The mere listing you present the universities in the essay will already signal the reviewer as to your first and second choices. No need to be direct about it.
OP OscarPangestu 4 / 9 1  
Apr 7, 2021   #3
Hi Holt, this really helps. Thanks a lot for your insight. Best Regards.

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