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Express the reasons for your department/program of study preferences and briefly explain how your...

osman6 1 / -  
Mar 7, 2016   #1
In my undergraduate studies there is relationship of my educational background and my preference, I have taken the fundamental courses and seminars of system security and Error control coding, its very interest and I would like to continue postgraduate in same program.
Crystal812 23 / 55 11  
Mar 7, 2016   #2
Hello, Osman,

To be honest, I do not know what your exact question is. You did not give enough information.

Usually, in an application, people show the interest, the backgroung context, academic performance, social activities, and the connection to the program.

I am not sure whether this is helpful. Have a nice day.
justivy03 - / 2363 607  
Mar 8, 2016   #3
Osman, from what I can sense on the post you have above, you want to come up with an essay on your post graduate program. Judging from your post above, you can definitely come up with a good essay, you have the idea already, all you have to do is to determine what you would like to input in your essay.

Moreover, the essay should be a continuation of the idea that you have in your undergraduate essay. You have also learned and figured out the relationship of good education and how being able to study will further your education.

Now, when you do write the essay, mind your language rules and make sure that you are able to incorporate all the ideas you have in mind, when you're done with your essay, post it here so we can help you further.

I hope this helps!!!

Home / Scholarship / Express the reasons for your department/program of study preferences and briefly explain how your...
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