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Why am I a good candidate for the scholarship? (Scholarship for housing near the university)

JuanSebastianR 23 / 63 37  
Apr 2, 2016   #1
Dear EssayForum team,

I am currently applying to a scholarship that provides free housing near the university where I would be attaining my Bachelor's Degree. I appreciate any help with the essay.

Here are the instructions and prompts:

Respond to all of the following topics, incorporating into one essay of 500-750 words.

1. Write a brief autobiography, which includes your characteristics and general outlook on life.

2. Select the most significant event in your life and discuss how it affected you.

3. Briefly discuss your professional goals and how you hope to achieve them.

4. Tell us why you are a good candidate for our community living scholarship.

The person I was a few years ago has been transformed, like a worm transforms into a butterfly. Several experiences have shaped my life including my migration to the U.S., finding my biological father, and choosing a career in the engineering field.

My name is Juan Sebastian Rubio Lopez. I was born in Bogota, Colombia, and I was brought here to the U.S. back in 2002. My mother brought my siblings and I here in search of a better life. I attended middle school and high school and got a job at the age of 14. I always felt like there was an economic struggle at home and working alleviated some of that weight off my mother's shoulders. It was then when I became independent and learned the value of having a job. When I graduated high school, I was told I couldn't attend high school because I wasn't a permanent resident yet. This was a heartbreaking point because I longed for an education. I waited about four years before I finally was able to go to college. I have now climbed to the top, graduation. I attained a 4.0 GPA and the respect from my professors and my peers. My general outlook on life is: "There will always be struggle, but it's how you respond to the struggle that will determine your success or failure in life." Even though my family has had many hardships, I have become a stronger person. The struggles were opportunities for growth. I now know I have the potential to do anything I set out to do in life.

One of the most significant moments in my life was finding my biological father. I grew up without a father figure and was always curious to know who he was. When I turned 18, I asked my mother about him. She seemed uneasy about the subject, but I felt the need to know. It was then when I searched for him online. Without any success, I went to my home country to ask people around for his information. I later found out that he was living in Mexico and was an entrepreneur. I contacted the company he was working for, and he emailed me right away. I cried. I felt joy in my stomach and lungs because I had finally found the missing piece in my life. We are now making plans to see each other. This affected my life in many ways: it encouraged me to follow my curiosity; it fortified my bravery to do anything in life, and it reminded me that I got my entrepreneurial skills from him. I became stronger.

As far as my career path, I have always loved math, science, airplanes, flight, and the stars. It has always been my passion since I was little and since boarding my first airplane, to now when I sit inside an airplane curiously thinking how I could engineer my own. My professional goal is to attain a Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering and participate in research work at UF. I will continue my studies to the Ph.D. level and expect to gain extensive research work, which will prepare me to become a candidate for NASA. This is my dream and goal for the future.

Why am I a good candidate? I am responsible and independent. I went through many experiences that have made me into a better human being. I am positive and always look at the good side of things. I am determined. I am a fighter. I am a dreamer. I am a friend. I have learned to love everyone around me and to treat everyone with respect. I am a good candidate because I love to work and cooperate with the people around me. I also cook and like to clean and wash dishes, yes, wash dishes. I am very organized and keep a schedule next to me with a list of things to do.

Attaining this scholarship will not only help me by alleviating my expenses during my career at UF, but it will help me really submerge in the college experience without having to worry about financial struggle. My whole purpose for attaining an education is so I can make this world a better place and contribute to the community and the world around me. It is my goal to continue inspiring others around me, as I have already done thus far by choosing to attain an education. I am now this butterfly spreading its wings beginning my career at UF.
adrian21 15 / 17 3  
Apr 3, 2016   #2
Hello Juan Sebastian
Let me comment your essay

Today, I'm a different person compared to a few years ago thanks to my transformationThe person I was a few years ago has been transformed , like a worm transforms into a butterfly. Several experiences have shapedchanged my life including my migration to the U.S.United States, findingto find my biological father, and choosingchoose a career in the engineering field.


Home / Scholarship / Why am I a good candidate for the scholarship? (Scholarship for housing near the university)
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