language study plan
Instructions: Study plans to improve foreign languages(Korean, English, etc.) required for taking a degree course BEFORE and AFTER you come to Korea.
Hello, this is my language study plan for the upcoming GKS-U. In the essay, I included my language test results as (-) since they are not come out yet. Since this is my first time writing a language study plan, I would like to hear your critical feedback. Thank you!
Before coming to Korea
I am interested in Kpop, so I have studied the Korean language for fun since middle school. However, after I decided to apply for the GKS program, I focused more on it. I started my language study by self-studying through the Talk To Me In Korea website and textbooks. Later, I wanted to understand the language systematically, so I took basic, level 1, and level 2 classes online. As I became more confident in Korean, I started preparing for the TOPIK exam with the help of the TOPIK preparation class and by studying grammar and vocabulary books. To test my level beforehand, I took a TOPIK II exam by the Korea Myanmar Institute for Culture Exchange in August and got level (-). I also registered for the upcoming 84th TOPIK exam and aimed to get at least TOPIK level 4.
Although Korean is necessary for my daily and university life in Korea, I also consider learning English. Since English is a global language, I believe it is essential to be able to communicate with other international students. I often listen to English podcasts and learn new words to improve my English proficiency. I also took the IELTS exam this September and got (-) out of 9, which is a (-) level. However, I want to keep learning English until I advance it.
After arriving Korea
Since Korean is the first language for everyday basics in Korea, I will continue to study it even after arriving in Korea. I will likely take the one-year language program because I cannot submit my TOPIK result, which will come out later than the GKS-U deadline. Since my Korean level is intermediate, I plan to get an Advanced level within six months of the language program instead of one year. Moreover, I want to take Korean vocabulary training and Korean usage of Chinese characters classes as general education courses while taking my major. Because my intended major is taught in 100% Korean, these classes will help me a lot with the presentations and assignments.
While studying in Korea, there will also be a lot of exchange programs and workshops in collaboration with other international universities. So taking College English courses as a selective major will significantly help me. Furthermore, I want to participate in club activities with students from other nations to improve my English and communication skills.
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15539 If the applicant does not expect to have the IELTS test results before the deadline for the submission of the GKS application, it would be better not to mention it in the language study plan. Actually, any English test mention is acceptable in the study plan but is not as impressive or notable to the reviewer as when the student mentions taking the TOPIK test in advance of attending university in Korea. That is because Hangul is the mode of teaching in the country and the student is expected to at least have an understanding of basic Korean prior to admission.
With regards to the after arriving in Korea plan, Hangul classes are not optional. So there is no need to indicate that you will attend the classes. The question is, what other language familiarity plans will you implement once you arrive outside of the academic requirement? That part of this discussion sounds more like you do not really have any solid plans for the after arrival part. Do not plan on taking the test earlier than required. Plan to take it on schedule. Use the time to explain how you will try to become an almost native speaker of Hangul during the academic study period.
With regards to English, it seems useless to discuss a study plan for that language, and present an IELTS test result and consider developing those skills while in Korea. It is defeatist in purpose since the course you plan to take is taught in Hangul alone.
As for taking the TOPIK test, aim to get the qualifying score beforehand. Get a higher than qualifying score when you take the test in order to assure yourself of a place for student admission consideration. Those applicants who have impressive TOPIK test results during the screening process are awarded bonus considerations during deliberations, provided your other application documents qualify you for that round of screening.
You need to mention clear plan on how you are planning to achieve topik level 5 within 1 year. Maybe try mentioning study methods you use and specify time and date. As for English I think it's better not to elaborate too much on that and waste space. Utilise that space instead to write more about how you'd improve your korean.
In the after arriving Korea part, you could talk about how you will use the immersion in the culture and the language itself to help you improve your skills.
Good luck!
When applying for GKS, leave out anything that has to do with kpop or Kdrama because the scholarships committee doesn't care about any of that and it's something they might have seen a lot on other applications, so adding it might put you at a disadvantage.
Good luck!
I agree with @Mowa. The mention of Kpop might be a phrase/ statement used by so many applicants. I would suggest to try and make your study plan stand out from the many applicants.