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"limited educational backgrounds in Korean language" - Personal Statement for GKS 2020

ml1227 1 / -  
Mar 29, 2019   #1
I'm going to apply a master program in Korean Language Education for GKS 2020(next year). Thank you for giving me any recommendation.

advanced studies in Korean Language Education

Personal Statement

"Teacher, I want to learn Korean, but I'm not good at English. How can I succeed in Korean?", my student told me when I taught her basic Korean phrases. Her word made me flashed back to my first-time learning Korean. I would not have a chance to tell that she can do it if I had given up on that day. I became interested in learning Korean because of K-pop. I found Korean language and grammar fascinating and I found myself more expressive in it in ways I never could be in English. I have been improving my Korean skills for the past three years, and every year, I challenge myself and push myself harder to do things that I do not think I could. My student's word inspired me to become a Korean language teacher and the greatest inspiration is my Korean language teacher. She made me fascinated in learning Korean and introduced me to GKS as well. According to my current educational background which is Bachelor of Education, I found that I can learn Korean and share my knowledge by being a Korean language teacher. Due to the limited educational backgrounds in Korean language, I decided to pursue my master's degree in Korean Language Education.

During my bachelor's degree, I studied many aspects of education such as teaching methods, educational materials, and classroom management. I had many opportunities to apply my knowledge such as working as a volunteer teacher and student teacher which gave me not only a chance to gain a lot of practical experiences in teaching but also to learn about the importance of professional teaching. During my student teaching, I worked hard to research different ways to teach and to make my students enjoy. I made sure that I had all of the materials that I needed before class started. Even then, there were always things that go wrong. I realized that I needed to be more carefully prepared, but more importantly, I needed to prepare to be flexible. Moreover, making classroom action research taught me why teaching development can improve students' learning ability.

In addition, I took some Korean language classes and tried to find available time to learn Korean on the internet. Reading Korean textbooks, listening to music and watching dramas didn't help me improve my Korean skills that much. So, I took the Korean short-term Program at Ewha Language Center. Meeting international friends who had self-studied Korean language to a high level inspired me to improve my Korean skills. My Korean friend invited me to her house and we had dinner together. Her family was surprised when I told them that I knew how to make Kimbap and when I said 안녕히계세요 before I left. They appreciated that I quickly adapted to the language and culture. Their words made me more confident in speaking Korean. Although it was a short time, I learned many things about the cultural traditions of Korea that are outside of the classroom. After returning to Thailand, I have found it hard to get that same improvement as when I was in Korea. Therefore, I kept up studying Korean by doing a lot of Korean-related activities such as joining Korean-to-Thai translator team, sharing Korean easy lessons on Facebook page, teaching my friends Korean, making Korean-speaking videos and making Korean friends via social media through which I gained a better Korean communication skill and good relationship with other people.

However, the difference between a Korean class in Thailand and in Korea made me wonder about the barrier of teaching Korean language and how to develop the teaching Korean language in Thailand. The lack of understanding the teaching Korean language made me want to study deeply to develop teaching methods more effective. Currently, in Thailand, there are few courses related to teaching Korean language. So, I do research on the curriculum of Korean Language Education in many Korean universities. I found that many subjects will benefit me to become a Korean language teacher such as Theories in Teaching Korean language and Teaching in Korean Grammar. I believe that studying in Korea will take me closer to understanding the insights of the Korean language and immerse me in the culture itself and the quality and high standards of Korea's education will prepare me to become professional in teaching Korean language.

Therefore, The Korean Government Scholarship Program will totally give me the opportunity to continue my advanced studies in Korean Language Education and will be a great opportunity for me to be a part of the development of Korean teaching and learning in Thailand to deepen the Korea-Thailand relationship. I strongly believe that my research experience, responsibility, leadership, and enthusiasm will help me succeed in my master's degree and become an excellent Korean language teacher.

Constance [Contributor] - / 19  
Mar 29, 2019   #2
Paragraph one - change to "her words caused me to flashback. I could use my past to help her today" or something along this line. You need to be clear in what is being said.....I found the Korean language with a desire to be more expressive in ways I could never express in English. Remove "and push myself" as this statement is redundant. Also change and say "to push myself beyond expectations." Remove "as well after GKS."

In paragraph two, make the second sentence a minimum of two sentences as this is a very long thought. "...help my students to enjoy the class" which completes the sentence. "things that could go wrong." Change I made sure to I ensured and taught me how teaching development.....

In paragraph three change "I have found it difficult.." Change to "kept studying Korean" .... The last sentence should be at least two sentences.

In paragraph four ...about the barriers of teaching the Korean language.......lack of understanding concerning the teaching of the Korean......teaching methods that were more effective. So, I performed research on the curriculum of ....... I found many subjects that would be of benefit to my becoming .......

In the last paragraph remove the word totally....

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