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MSc program in Physics at The University of Queensland - AAS

OUDOM 1 / -  
Sep 20, 2023   #1
application essay - physics program

Applying for an MSc program in Physics at The University of Queensland (UQ) is not just a coincidence, but rather the culmination of my life experiences and passions. Growing up, I was always curious about the world around me and how things worked. My interest in STEM led me to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Mechatronics Engineering in Thailand, where I saw many Cambodians working in low-skilled jobs receiving minimum wages due to a lack of quality education in STEM. I am committed to closing this gap by using my knowledge and skills through education.

After graduating in 2020, I decided to apply for a teaching job in my motherland, Cambodia. I was accepted for a full-time position as a high school Physics teacher and STEM project advisor at E2STEM Education. My aim was to change students' negative perceptions of learning Physics by making the subject more engaging and inspiring. During my exploration phase to find teaching methods, research on Physics education, and learning resources, I came across 5-Minute Physics, a part of the UQ Physics Education projects. The UQ's 5-Minute Physics gave me a vision of how effective physics education can look like.

Another life-changing experience reinforcing my decision to pursue a degree in Physics was my role as a mentor for Cambodia's First Global Challenge Team 2022. Through this program, I had an opportunity to visit the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). It was an "Aha! Moment" that sparked my curiosity to seek a deeper understanding of Physics and I am proud of humanity's ability to simulate the Big Bang and answer the profound question of "how our universe began."

Finally, UQ's reputation for excellence in research and education, particularly in Physics, makes it the ideal institution for me to further my understanding of the subject. Moreover, UQ's commitment to innovation and student engagement, as evidenced by the 5-Minute Physics project, aligns with my own teaching philosophy and goals.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Oct 7, 2023   #2
You have to revise the whole response. You need to choose at least 2 institutions in Australia to apply for. Both of which need to have a more professional application than you currently have presented. You are no longer applying for admission to college in this case so you need to leave that aspect of your considerations behind. You need to make sure that you focus on a developing professional mindset and a future looking career reference in relation to your masters choices. Your application sounds more like you are applying for a 2nd college degree rather than a masteral course. So revising the presentation to have a professional focus, using 2 universities would be better for your application,.

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